What is menopause?
Transition Age is also known as menopause or menopause. It usually occurs between 45 - and 55 - years of age. The menopause, which means the time of the last menstrual period, is the Danish women on average about 51 years. In fact, it is of course only after a while it was precisely the last menstrual period and we have decided to go a year without menstrual period before you could say that it is over. In the 1700s, this period was called the "French disease". We felt that women could get rid of poison substances due to the lack of menstruation. Wife Substances accumulated in the body and gave rise to various diseases. Treatment then was different bathing, low thought and haemorrhaging, added to a portion strict godliness. The first of the last century is moving forward research on the causes of klimakteriumgener and treatment of it is that now we have more and more older women, ie. living for many years after menopause and which therefore need assistance. Around the last century, the mean life expectancy switch only about 50 years, where it now is about the 80th But infant mortality was high, why life expectancy was low, which was not necessarily the same as that there was no At the beginning of menopause is menstruation are often a little irregular and this is due to the eggs in the ovaries is running out, ovulation and therefore does not work exactly as before. It therefore forms nor the one sex hormone - progesterone - in the normal way. The second female sex hormone - estrogen - formed only in normal quantity, but gradually release it up. Klimakterielle symptoms - genes | Number of women | Nuisance probably due to hormone deficiency | Genes are not safe due to hormone deficiency | 75 | Hot flushes Sweat flushes, night sweats Insomnia Palpitations Blødningsforstyrelser | Irritability Depression Concentration Problems Fatigue Headache Decreased sex drive Back and joint pain | 25-50 | Dry mucous membranes in the vagina Pain intercourse Itching and vaginal discharge Natural water Urinary incontinence More frequent blærebetændelse | 25-40 | Osteoporosis-frequent fractures | 45 | Cardiovascular Diseases |
Figure 1 Symptoms of menopause
Symptoms of menopause
In connection with the menopause keep the ovaries referred stop producing estrogen. This has different effects on body tissues and functions. Many women (but not all) of the menopause, have different symptoms, or genes, as shown in Fig. 1st As can be seen, you can share genes into 2 groups, those who probably due to hormone deficiency and those that are not safe due to hormone deficiency, but nevertheless often seen in the same period. Altogether, about 3 / 4 of all women in menopause genes of some sort and some are far more troubled than others. 50 of these women have genes for more than 5 years. Most are annoyed by the heat rises, sweating and bleeding disorders. 'Local issues'When local problems, we believe genes in the body during life, for example. dry mucous membranes, painful intercourse, blærebetændelse and incontinence (difficulty in retaining water). If you look skedeslimhinden under a microscope in younger and older women (Fig.2), one can see the huge difference in the thickness. Without hormonal influences mucous membranes are thin, delicate and dry and sometimes letblødende (eg. Intercourse). People talk about 'sandpaper sensation.
 The same applies to mucous membranes of the uterus and urethra (Figure 3), and it is easy to understand that it can be difficult to keep the water when we see how the mucous membranes of the urethra is changing. Older women suffer much more of the so called urge incontinence (trængningsinkontinens - 'when I should, then I') and blærebetændelse than younger people. In younger women, the problem is more frequent stress incontinence (urine departure by coughing, sneezing, mare, sequence, etc.). 