Physical changes in girls
in puberty

Approximate age when change begins

Approximate age when change is no longer arouse attention


Body length increases

10 - 11

15 - 16

If development is not sufficiently advanced at 15 years of age, you should consult a doctor.

Breast development

10 - 11

13 - 14

When breasts are growing (one can begin to develop before the second) it is usually the first sign of puberty. If there has been no development of breasts in the 16 years of age, you should consult a doctor.

Hair on the body

10 - 11
Hair forearms:
12 - 13

13 - 14
Hair forearms:
15 - 16

Ages where body hairs develop, vary widely.

Apokrine sweat glands developed

12 - 13

15 - 16

The sign at the apokrine sweat glands are developing is an increased body odeour and a type of body odor, which does not occur in children.


11 - 14

15 - 17

Contraction is often very erratic in the beginning, but in 17 years of age is usually the last 3-7 days every four weeks. If the contraction begins before 10 years of age or have not started by 17 years of age, should talk with your doctor.

Physical changes in males
in puberty

Approximate age when change begins

Approximate age when change is no longer arouse attention


Body length increases

12 - 13

17 - 18

If there has been no appreciable change in 15 years of age, you should consult a doctor.

Sex will grow

Testes and purse:
11 - 12
12 - 13

Testes and purse:
16 - 17
15 - 16

When the testicles are bigger, the skin becomes darker in the purse. The length of the penis tends to increase before the width. Sædafgang can usually be done about a year after the penis started to become longer.

Hair on the body

11 - 12
Hair forearms:
13 - 15

15 - 16
Hair forearms:
16 - 18

Hair varies in knowledge boundaries and depends in large part by hereditary factors. Hair tends to continue to spread until it reaches adulthood.

Apokrine sweat glands developed

13 - 15

17 - 18

For girls, see above.

Changes in voice

Increment of the larynx begins:
13 - 14
The voice is darker:
14 - 15

16 - 17

Adam apple on the front of the neck is the visible sign that the larynx is starting to grow. If the voice does not become darker after 17 years of age, you should consult a doctor.



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