Last updated:03-10-2009
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Definition and causes

Mavekatar is an inflammation of the stomach (perhaps at the top of the twelve finger intestine). Mavekatar may have different causes, and the term covers a range of conditions with inflammatory changes in the stomach's mucous membrane.
You can see mavekatar divided in many ways, but the disease usually divided into acute (often callederosivorHaemorrhagic) And chronic (non-erosiv) Version. Several of the triggering causes, may cause acute and chronic mavekatar.

Acute gastritis

Acute gastritis is characterized by superficial erosion of mucosa (erosions). It raises up and can be seen småblødninger. The condition most often caused by ingestion of alcohol or drugs. Painkillers containing aspirin, inflammation dampening means (so-called NSAID preparations, in everyday speech often called gout agents), and adrenal cortical hormones may cause gastritis. The condition can also result from the second chemical damage

Acute gastritis can also occur by infection with the so-called stomach bacteriumHelicobactor pylori(see ulcers) A number of other bacteria and some viruses and parasites can also cause acute gastritis (in these cases, we speak often aboutspecificgastritis).

Finally, the acute erosive gastritis often in burns patients, in patients without infection or without detected intake of harmful agent. Sometimes called the state also stress dependent mucosal damage.

Chronic gastritis

This concept is defined by slimhindebeskadigelsen and has usually no practical significance. Looking at the mucosa, it looks mostly normal basis. The condition can be as acute gastritis caused by infection with Helicobactor pylori. It can also result from prolonged use of NSAID preparations and finally it may be autoimmune (immune system attacks the body's own cells).

Symptoms of mavekatar

Acute gastritis can sometimes be asymptomatic, but this is rare. Symptoms of acute gastritis:
  • Bleeding (this is usually limited, but may rarely be fatal). Bleeding can show itself in various ways. You can have blodtilblandede vomiting, and if the blood is clotted, it can resemble coffee grounds. For more bleeding can be very smelly black stools due to digested blood.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain from the upper abdomen (usually the state but without pain).
  • Vague discomfort of the upper abdomen.
Chronic gastritis is often without symptoms but can lead to more follow modes (see complications).

Precautions and diagnosis

When signs of bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract should always consult a doctor. If you suspect that the condition caused by alcohol, the consumption of this stop. If you occupy one of the above products, do not just stop taking them. This should be discussed with a doctor.
The diagnosis made by a kikkertundersøgelse (gastroscopy), possibly. combined with removal of a tissue (biopsy).

Treatment of mavekatar

The treatment is the cessation of alcohol, aspirin or NSAID preparations if they are the operative cause. Then normalized mucosa, and symptoms disappear within a few days. Otherwise, the processing means to neutralize stomach acid (called antacids) or so-called acid pump inhibitors, which reduce gastric acid production.
If the condition is dueHelicobactor pyloriIs the eradication of this treatment (see treatment of peptic ulcer). This treatment is usually straightforward, and subsequent disappearance of the symptoms mavekatar quickly.

Complications of mavekatar

The most serious complications are severe bleeding, which can be fatal. Småblødning over a long period can cause anemia. In prolonged cases of chronic gastritis mucosa can be damaged so much that either occurs ulcer, or the emergence of a shortage ofintrinsic factorWhich can cause Vitamin B12 deficiency.

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