Definition and causes
 Hemorrhoids are varicose vein that has arisen in the blood vessels in the end the intestine. That means that blood vessels expand and become larger. Normally, these veins under the mucous membranes in the end the gut, but when blood vessels become larger, bulges out from the mucous membranes wall. As they become larger, they can dive so much that they will stick out of the anus. Such udposning of a blood vessel covered by mucous membrane is what we mean by a hemorrhoids.Hemorrhoids occurs when the tissue around blood vessels in the end the intestine becomes weak. It could be after prolonged constipation, pregnancy and childbirth. On the whole, it becomes weaker with age. Hemorrhoids are fairly common in the population. The risk of getting hemorrhoids increases with age so that over 20% of 40 to 60 year olds have had symptoms of hemorrhoids. It is more common in women and especially women who have given birth to many children. Symptoms of hemorrhoids- Bleeding: This can be seen in many degrees. Usually it is just a little fresh blood on toilet paper, when you have dried themselves. It may also be constant sivende bleeding, and in some cases may be significantly more bleeding, where toilet kummen can be sprayed with blood in stools.
- Itching.
- Sting.
- Feeling the humidity around the anus.
- Feeling of not being able to empty the bowels properly.
- Trouble making anus clean after toilet visits. This can lead to impurities in under pants.
- Pain: There can be pain associated with faeces, but can also cause severe pain lasting whose hemorrhoids blood supply being squeezed by.
Precautions and diagnosis If you are experiencing symptoms of hemorrhoids, you should go to his own doctor to find out whether you have hemorrhoids. The doctor will examine the anus with a finger and possibly. also by using a special transparent plastic tube (anoskop), held a small piece into the end intestine. People over 40 years should have made a little more extensive study, using a telescope examine mucous membranes a little further up the gut (sigmoideoskopi). This is done to rule out the possibility that there may beThe treatment of hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids must be processed only if the symptoms. It is important to ensure that the stools are not too hard. This can be achieved by eating a healthy and balanced diet with many fibers. Also be sure to get 1-2 liters of liquid a day. Exercise also helps to keep the gut in time to avoid constipation. If this is not enough to keep once in the stomach, you can use a stool means.If you have genes from hemorrhoids, you can visit to the doctor, get different kinds of creams or anoint to lubricate the hemorrhoids. There will often be adrenal cortical hormones and / or a local anesthetic in these. It can take the worst genes, but does not remove hemorrhoids. If hemorrhoids must be removed, can put a rubber band tightly around the root of hemorrhoids. This stops the blood supply to the hemorrhoids, so the door and fall off in 1-2 weeks. Large hemorrhoids can be removed surgically. Select and complications Hemorrhoids are completely benign, but can be very annoying. After treatment with creams or anoint the symptoms will often go in peace, but could flare up again, particularly if you have been a blockage in a period. After surgical removal symptoms disappear entirely, however, there may be new hemorrhoids later.For some there is a vicious circle where the pain due to hemorrhoids do to try to stay rather than go to the toilet. This means that the stools are hard and thus promote the development of hemorrhoids. Blood supply to a hemorrhoids can stop if there is a blood clot in the vein, which supply it, or if the hemorrhoids are about themselves and thereby afklemmer its own blood supply. This provides dramatic pain due to lack of oxygen in the tissues hemorrhoids. If you have poor immune systems, for example. if you are treated with medication, which dampens the immune system, there is a risk that it may be an inflammation of hemorrhoids without blood supply. This can further lead to getting blood poisoning (sepsis)