Tumors can occur anywhere in the mouth except the teeth. They can be either benign or malignant, and the reasons for their occurrence are both little known. A benign tumor appears as a discrete tuber that grows slowly. A malignant tumor spreading contrast to the surrounding tissue and other organs in the body.

Malignant tumors of the tongue spread over several months, while those that occur elsewhere in the oral cavity, usually spread within a few years. See also Tumors of the salivary gland).


Benign tumors in the oral cavity occurs most often alone. They are initially small, bright knots, which increased in size in the next few years. If they are more than 10 mm in diameter, they can cause problems with dentures. Benign tumors of the tongue can be very soft, but rarely gives pain.

The malignant tumors are usually alone. They are in an early appearance, similar to the benign, but they grow faster and prove quickly as easy bleeding wounds that will not heal. Tumor growth and destroying nearby areas in the mouth.

Tumors of the tongue leads to the tongue movement ability may be impaired, making it difficult to eat and speak. Malignant tumors can be in an advanced stage to give pain.


Malignant tumors in the oral cavity is not normal and is very rare before 40 years of age. There was discovered a year about 4 per case. 100,000 inhabitants in Denmark. They are more common in smokers, people who use snuff and drink alcohol. Malignant tumors usually occur only after 60 years of age. They are more common among men than among women. Even benign tumors are rare.

Benign tumors which is usually no complications. Malignant tumors can be the author of metastases in other parts of the body. The later a malignant tumor was discovered, the worse the prognosis.


You should always contact the doctor or dentist and be examined, if you have a knot, a wound or other changes in the mouth, which does not disappear within ten days. The same applies if you find that the tongue movement deteriorate.

Vævsforandringerne investigated with "biopsy, where you cut a little tissue to microscopic examination. Surgery takes only minutes and is completely pain-free since the area first anesthetics.


Most benign tumors are not a problem, and we simply often to check them every six months or once a year. Major benign tumors, which are obtrusive, can be removed and then look after the needs restored with plastic surgery.

The treatment of malignant tumors is dependent on when the tumor is detected. Has not reached the tumor spreading, you can operate the device away. In later stages, when the tumor has been growing, the treated instead with radiation, cell poisons, or both. Malignant tumors are discovered at an early stage, dealt mostly with success.



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