Definition and causes Rosacea is a common, chronic skin disease. The disease occurs most often in middle age, a little more often in women. We do not know the cause of rosacea. There is expansion of blood vessels and inflammation, but it has nothing to do with bacteria. These two things together give the symptoms.
Symptoms of rosacea- Flushing (seizure of flushed redness) in relation to sunlight, heat, spicy food, alcohol and stress.
- Localized in the face, usually worst on the nose, cheeks and forehead.
- The skin may feel burning and be sensitive to impact.
- General redness, red or whitish buds and small enlarged blood vessels visible all the time.
- Some also have genes from the eyes, for example. Volume eyelid inflammation or skin inflammation.
In addition, get some rosacea patientsrhinophyma. This is called in English "Port nose", but has nothing to excessive consumption that do. This is a blue-red, spongy enlargement of the nose. It is usually men who get this complication. Measures taken by rosacea Rosacea can be a psychological burden condition, and this may further worsen the people's preconceived notions that rhinophyma due to high consumption of alcohol. You can even do something to improve symptoms, for example. by avoiding the trigger / aggravating factors. You should also see a hudlæge, which will assess whether treatment can be beneficial.Treatment of rosacea You can use a lighter cases antibiotic cream. In more severe cases, a general antibiotic therapy or vitamin A products. Rhinophyma can be treated with laser therapy.
The symptoms usually fades with treatment, but often occur again. Here is yet a cure so given. The disease usually persists for several years and can then possibly. burn out.