Last updated:02-23-2009
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Definition and causes

Psoriasis is an inherited chronic disease that attacks the skin cells. The word comes from Greek and meansitchy rash.
The disease is characterized by a very rapid formation of skin cells. Normally the formation of a skin cell ca. 1 month, but at a psoriasis skin cells are formed in only 3-7 days. There will be a large surplus of skin cells, which do not have time to ripen properly. This is seen as redness and scaling of the affected hudområder. We do not know why the disease occurs, but the immune system are involved and the disease is hereditary. If a & ae
There are different types of psoriasis, and may be beyond hudforandringerne influence of context, psoriasis arthritis. This is seen in approx. 10%. In addition, scalp and nails are often affected.
The disease occurs most often in the 15-30 years of age and seen in 2% of the Danish population. The disease is chronic, meaning that when you have an outbreak, you will always have the risk of getting a new outbreak, while for long periods can be free. There is a huge difference in how people are affected by the disease. Some are barely aware that they have psoriasis, while others are plagued by rash all over your body.
There are various triggering and aggravating factors:
  • Stress
  • Streptococci infection.
  • Alcohol.
  • Smoking.
  • Certain types of medication, for example. lithium (for depression), klorokin (malaria) and beta-blockers (blood pressure lowering).


Symptoms of psoriasis

  • Crimson areas sharply demarcated from normal skin, and covered with thick, white scales.
  • The areas may be from millimeters to many centimeters in diameter.
  • Itching.
  • The disease is most pronounced in the knees and elbows and the palms and sole.
  • Skull is often influenced, possibly. with thinning of the hair.
  • Nail symptoms are thickening of the nails, small holes in them and the resolution of the nails from the skin below.
  • Psoriasis-arthritis affects part of fingers, toes, spine and pelvis. The illness recalls ledegigt.
  • Other symptoms may be thickening of the skin cracks, fluid-filled blisters or redness in the armpit, under the breasts and around the genitals.
Symptoms may come and go, some never seeing more than a single attack. This is usually by psoriasis that is triggered by streptococci infection. Psoriasis is a chronic disease, and most will experience an alternation between symptoms and improve their lives.


By changes in the skin, similar to the described symptoms, a doctor can determine if it is psoriasis. It is not certain that treatment is necessary, but if you are bothered by the disease, many treatment programs. It can even be aware of the things that can trigger an attack and try to avoid these things. This applies, for example, stress and alcohol.

Treatment of psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis is very dependent on where one is affected by the disease. They speak of two types of treatment, topical treatment and general treatment.

Local treatment of psoriasis

For mild cases, topical treatment should be sufficient. This consists of steroid cream, vitamin D products and creams that removes scales, for example. urea nitrogen cream. Furthermore, treatment with sunlight very efficiently. However, one should avoid getting sunburn, as this may aggravate the disease and increases the risk of skin cancer. Treatment with the tar is also effective.

General treatment of psoriasis

Among the more difficult forms of psoriasis covers most of the body, there are more effective types of treatment, which also has several side effects. It is about PUVA treatment, which is a combination of a drug (psoralen) and UVA rays on vitamin-A products and drugs that affect the immune system.
Readings will provide periods of disease free, which can last months to years. New attacks will usually show up, but again treatment would be effective.

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