Definition and causes The term pigmentation disorder meant diseases in pigmented skin-forming cells. These cells are calledmelanocytesBecause of skin pigment (that is what makes us solbrune) statesmelanin.These cells are in the deepest layer of skin over the whole body. When cells are exposed to sunlight (the ultraviolet radiation, UVA and UVB), provides the melanin to protect the skin. The dark melanin absorb the large quantities of the harmful UV rays, thus rendered unable to penetrate deeper into the body. Read more in sunscreen. Pigment formation of certain diseases may be too large or too small, and the pigment-forming cells can grow unchecked. These diseases are described below. Albin Syndromes This disease is rare. Albin France is hereditary, and you form here no pigment. This means that both skin and hair is completely white, and eyes are red. The red color of eyes is the fact that democracy through the unadulterated rainbow membrane can see eye rear part, the retina. The disease almost always leads to impaired vision in one or another degree.Albinos have no natural protection against the sun and must therefore go with sunglasses and protect themselves with clothing, hats and sunscreen at lysudsættelse. There is an increased risk of skin cancer. Augmented pigmentation Disorders of metabolism, for example. Addison's disease, may cause darkening of the skin, without anyone has been exposed to sunlight. If these symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor.
Vitiligo By Vitiligo occurs bright spots on the skin. The disease is usually hereditary and is seen in 1 in 100 Danes. The bright spots come mostly in young adults, and the first area to come after a sunburn, a scar or the like. The areas are often symmetrical (eg. On both knees). Knees, elbows, hands and eye areas are most affected.The cause is unknown, but the disease is likelyautoimmune(immune system attacks the body's own cells) and the disease is often linked with other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, pernicious anemia, diseases of the thyroid gland, Addison's disease and more. At just over half, you can have your normal skin color again phototherapy or steroid treatment. If most of your skin is bleached, you can blanch the remaining skin with hydroquinone cream to a smooth appearance.
Pityriasis versicolor This disease is caused by fungusM. Furfur. On the neck, arms and upper seen dark spots against the white skin in winter, and when the skin becomes solbrun summer, visible white spots now. Pityriasis versicolor treated with fungicides.
Kloasma (liver spots) Kloasma is a frequent disease and may be more common in pregnant women, women in hormone replacement therapy (the pill), dark men and women in bright own. There arises the dark areas of the face. These changes usually disappears after pregnancy or for prolonged use of p-pillars. There is no treatment, but afblegning can be attempted.
Marks Marks are benign build-of pigment-producing cells. See also below marks.
Gammelmandsvorter (seborrhoiske keratosis) There is actually no question of warts, but rather benign skin. They are very common among the elderly, and is due to both ordinary skin cells and pigment-forming cells grow faster than normal. The memories actually more than the marks on warts. They may be itchy. Treatment is removal by scraping, possibly. with the heat afterwards.
Precautions All these disorders are benign, that is quite harmless. They may nonetheless be of little inconvenience to the individual, not least cosmetic nuisance. Search therefore doctor if you are in doubt because many of the diseases can be treated. All over 40 years to discover new marks, should seek medical attention because it can focus on modermærkekræft. For all these diseases will symptoms worsen with exposure to sunlight. You can even do something to protect themselves as best as possible with solfaktor cream and clothes, etc. See also under sunscreen. |