Sexually transmitted diseases are a number of diseases that are caused by an alien organism, ie. viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasite or a small animal. Common to them is that they can be transmitted by contact between the mucous membranes of various forms of sexual relationships. The diseases include:
HIV / AIDS Some forms of infectious hepatitis Condylomas (genital warts) Herpes Chlamydia Gonoré Syphilis Some also include sponge in the vagina or penis as a venereal Fladlus The risk of acquiring a sexually increased significantly with the number of partners, and if you do not grow safe sex, ie. use a condom, which is the only form of contraception that protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Sexual dealings with people from risk areas, ie. østeuropæriske countries, Africa and Asia also increases the risk. If you are suspected to be infected with a sexually, you should consult a doctor for examination. Will Monday tested positive, should I make a smitteopsøgning and inform previous partners that they generate. may be infected.