Definition and causes Fladlusen (morpionen) Is a small jumper at 1-2 mm, which grow well in kønshår, due to their slightly different form in relation to the hair on the rest of the body (they can also exist in the armpit). Infection occurs through sexual contact, but requires no actual intercourse, as contact between the genitals is enough. Therefore protects contraception like. condom nor against infection with fladlus.Symptoms of fladlus The symptoms are itching in the crotch (and / or in the armpit), and you may want. For the small louse, which clusters to hairs.Precautions and diagnosis Itching around the genitals that do not disappear at the general hygiene should be investigated by their own doctor (Note: excessive use of soap, may also distract and cause itching). The diagnosis made by detection of fladlus and their eggs. See also itching in the genital tract.One discovers that one has fladlus, one's partner must also be addressed, and they should seek medical attention for being investigated for any other sexually transmitted diseases. Treatment of fladlus Done with the washing of luseshampo or ointment, which should be repeated after one week. Bed linen and towels should be washed. |