Definition and causes Næseblod is bleeding from the nose. It is usually a completely safe condition, but may be symptomatic of serious underlying disease. Reasons for nosebleeds can be:- Damage to the mucous membranes, for example. after blow to the nose, if you have picked in the nose, a child has come a bead or similar in the nose. Damage to the mucous membranes occurs easier, for example. cold , Or if you have very dry mucous membrane in the nose, for example. because of dry indoor. Slimhinden is very sensitive and come easily to soft.
- Some people have a very peripheral network of small tank in næseslimhinden (locus Kiesselbachii), Which is easily damaged.
- Atherosclerosis .
- Increased blood pressure .
- Inborn defect in the blood's ability to clot (see also Bleeding, Contusion and Blodets Størkning ).
- Treatment with blood medicine.
- Alcohol abuse (see Alkoholafhængighed ): Alcohol inhibits the blood's ability to clot.
- Tumour in the nose: This is a very rare cause of nosebleeds.
Symptoms of nosebleeds Bleeding from the nose. Often the only bleeding from one nostril. Although the bleeding is small, it might dramatically. At the very sharp or prolonged nosebleeds can be due to blood lossill with dizziness,heartbeat,difficulty obtaining air, And it will bepaleandklamtsvedende. If the blood runs down behind the stomach, will be Mondaypoor and vomiting.
 Precautions and diagnosis By nosebleeds should remain at rest and hit næseborene together with your fingers, until the bleeding stops. Possibly. you can get a little paper or cotton wool in næseborene and then squeeze næseborene together. It can also suck on a rock, as this will have blood vessels to pull together. We should avoid hot drinks and alcohol, since it will have the blood vessels to expand. One should not lie down, while the bleeding, then there may be more blood to the nose. In most cases stop the bleeding in the runIf bleeding is massive, there is blood in medical treatment or disruption of the blood's ability to clot, should consult a doctor immediately. Actions need to consult a doctor if the bleeding does not stop at the above measures. The diagnosis is usually obvious, but the doctor will try to find out if the bleeding comes from the front or the rear part of his nose. The doctor will look up into the nose, while næseborene kept open with a special seaweed. Possibly. be clotted blood sucked out, for physicians to get proper insight into næsehulen. The doctor will particularly in elderly people also measure blood pressure. It is important to inform the doctor on Monday, the disruption of the blood's ability to clot, or are treated with blood medici Consideration of nosebleeds As a rule stops nosebleeds of itself, or by Monday clamps næseborene together with your fingers in 5-10 minutes. The doctor may also put a piece of gauze vædet with a liquid containing adrenaline up in the nose. This causes the blood vessels to pull together. When the bleeding has stopped, it is possible. corrode or burn area, which has soft, to prevent it begins to soften again. Ætsning and burning takes place under local anaesthetic.If the bleeding does not stop at the above, one can place a gazerulle in næsehulen, which must remain attached to the bleeding stops. There is also a special næseballon, introduced into the back of næsehulen and then filled with water so that it will press his nose inside. This must always take place in a hospital and can be combined with a gazerulle in the front of the nose. If the bleeding is very profound and can not be stopped immediately, one can be forced to a full anaesthetic to examine where the bleeding comes from and stop it. This may be done in that you get the blood to clot by means of electric current, or in rare cases when that binds a line on the artery, which brings blood to the bleeding area. If the bleeding caused by high blood pressure, this must be lowered by blood pressure medicines. If the bleeding is due to get blood medicine, as Marevan or Marcoumar, you can provide Vitamin K, which inhibit the effect of these. In large blood loss, it may be necessary in blood. Select and complications The vast majority of cases of nosebleeds hold fast again by itself. Although it may look dramatically, losing is often not very much blood. However, the violent and protracted næseblødninger be fatal because of high blood loss.Prevention Do not tinker too much in the nose. There should not be too dry air at home or at work. If you are in the blood treatment, it is important to follow the requirements carefully and go for regular checks.