Last updated:09-05-2008
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Definition and causes

Pulmonary oedema is the leakage of fluid in the lungs, which is a symptom of a number of diseases, especially heart disease. The primary cause of pulmonary oedema, heart failure Where the left side of the heart is unable to pump blood, coming from the lungs into the body quickly enough. This increases the pressure in lungevenerne, which carry the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart, and the liquid (blood plasma) pressed from the bloodstream and into the lungeblærerne, usually air.

When there is fluid in the lungeblærerne, which must be an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, the blood is not oxygenated enough, and the body accumulate carbon dioxide, while there is lack of oxygen.

It must be stressed that pulmonary oedema seen by severe cases of heart failure, and is a potentially life-threatening disease.

Symptoms of water in the lungs

By pulmonary seen the following symptoms:

  • Respiratory and noisy breathing. Forværres in the supine position. experienced worse at night.

  • Pain and discomfort in the chest.

  • Hvidligt and possible. reddish liquid foaming at the mouth of difficult pulmonary oedema.

Clinical signs of water in the lungs
Family members can often observe the following signs of pulmonary oedema with a sick family member:

  • Fast breathing.

  • Available in the sitting position to facilitate breathing.

  • Are pale and has cyanosis, which is blåfarvning of the skin (typically on the lips and fingers).

Precautions and diagnosis

Are you familiar with a heart disease and experiencing the above symptoms, or find other people the above clinical signs, it is important to contact a doctor immediately, because it can be a life-threatening condition.

The doctor will listen to the lungs and hear that there is fluid in the lungs. In addition, your doctor will take a ECG and a blood sample in an artery (artery) to look at the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. If there is great pain from the chest, is also blood test to rule out blood clot in the heart (myocardial infarction).

At the same time, he basis of the clinical signs and a history of heart problems make the diagnosis. It is important to tell the doctor about the disease has asthma Because the symptoms are similar.

Consideration of water in the lungs

The first thing to do is to raise the patient up in the sitting position to facilitate breathing. After that there oxygen through a mask to facilitate the oxygenation of the blood. If blood pressure is not too low, can be supplemented with nitroglyceringspray under the tongue. This leads to expansion of blood vessels and thereby reduces blood pressure in the lungs. When there has been an intravenous access in a vein (a vein), given morphine directly into the bloodstream, which makes the patient to relax and reduce ån

When the patient is stable and has come, it is important that the underlying heart disease scrutiny. In addition, it must be pointed out that the right medicines taken in the correct way. Often occurs pulmonary oedema, because hjertelidelsen or high blood pressure not velbehandlet.

Select and complications

Will lungeødemet treated before it develops into a critical stage, and myocardial infarction is not the underlying cause, we printed fairly quickly. However, it is important to have the underlying heart disease and ensure that the medication is correct.

Prevention of water in the lungs

Are we in treatment for a heart disease, it is important to follow the outpatient missions either from their own doctor or a hospital. In addition, there may be problems with taking the medication correctly, if you are older people, so it might be best to get help to medicindosering of a hjemmesygeplejerske or a family member. On the way, that a malpractice of a heart disease develops into a pulmonary oedema.




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