Definition and causes Allergic alveolitis is an inflammation of lungernes alveoler (luftsækkene), which is the anatomical structure of the body, which is the entry of oxygen and release carbon dioxide by breathing.The disease occurs in some people who are exposed to dust from fugleafføring, organic particles, chemicals or old grain and hay. The latter is usually as a response to the existence of fungal in the material and occurs typically among farmers. This has given the name "farmers lung". In case of inhalation triggered an allergic reaction from the body immunsforsvar. This leads to the emergence of swelling and inflammation in lungevævet. This fortykker luftsækkene and small luftrørsgrene, which gives breathing difficulties. Not everyone who is exposed to the particles, will develop allergic alveolitis. Some people are very receptive and could have a major allergic reaction, which suddenly starts. Symptoms of allergic alveolitis The disease occurs usually with a flu-like image and can begin during 4-8 hours. The most common symptoms are:- Education sygdomsfornemmelse.
- Fever.
- Chills.
- Dry cough and wheezing.
- Breathing difficulties of some.
The symptoms are very dependent on how long Monday exposed to the substance which causes the allergic reaction.
If you take away the operative reason, there will usually be improved quickly, and the symptoms of blades after about. 48 hours. Assuming we take to be exposed (for example, in a working), can cause chronic claims in the lungs (see below complications).
Precautions and diagnosis Seeing Monday recurring symptoms of shortness of breath and cough should seek medical attention. In cooperation with the doctor can try to examine whether it regularly comes into contact with substances that can cause allergic alveolitis.The doctor will make the diagnosis by examining the lungs with an X-ray and a study of lung function. Furthermore, there will be taking a blood test, which examines antibodies to the substance that causes the disease (allergen).
Treatment of allergic alveolitis First and foremost, we must avoid being exposed to the substance that causes the allergic reaction. By demonstrated allergic alveolitis, the doctor can choose to dampen the inflammatory response through a binyrebarkhormonpræparat (steroid). Luftvejene can be extended through bronkieudvidende inhalationsmidler (beta2-agonists). Is the situation has become chronic, it can also give ilttilskud at home, however, can be a troublesome affair for the person to learn to live with.
Select and complications By continuing exposure to a substance, which results in allergic reaction, can cause chronic lungeforandringer. The symptoms will by chronic allergic alveolitis be:- Cough.
- Worsening of breathing difficulties.
- Appetitnedsættelse and weight loss.
- In the worst case may ultimately cause life-threatening breathing difficulties and heart failure Because the heart must pump much to get blood around in the diseased lungs.
Prevention of allergic alveolitis The disease can be prevented by avoiding to be exposed to the substance which causes the allergic reaction. Works Monday with potentially allergenic substances, one should wear masks.
In order to avoid the condition is chronic, one must consider to transfer to another job function, which avoids allergen.