Many people have a sleep problem. It has been an obvious way to solve this problem by using sleep. Similarly, it may be tempting at adversity to try to solve problems through sedate instead of trying to solve the underlying problem, which is why the feeling of fear and helplessness that many people experience.

It has unfortunately been all too easy to get printed so-called bensodiazepiner against these feelings. One can relatively quickly become dependent, and already after 3-6 weeks have developed a physical dependence. There are no more addictive alternatives if you need a sovemiddel. Products such as diazepam (Stesolid), it should only take into shorter periods and with the lowest possible dose of. The further we use these substances and the bigger the dose you take, the more difficult symptoms

If you have developed a dependency, you must slow down the stairway. The settlement period should be at least 8-12 weeks, often much longer. You may get symptoms in the form of palpitations, tremors, stomach cramps and sweating. The symptoms often goods in three months and sometimes for up to one year. If you suddenly stop taking benzodiazepinpræparater can have severe epileptic seizures. The mode can be fatal.

To get out of a pillemisbrug is a severe, but far from impossible task. It is important to get support from his family to achieve a good result.

The underlying reasons for drug addiction should be treated as usual. It is important to remember that not all abuse is abuse preparations. Antidepressant and anti-psychotic agents are not addictive.



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