Definition and causes

Forced thoughts and coercive acts, grouped under the term illnessobsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD, Obsessive compulsive Disorder). The disease is characterized by coercion thoughts (Obsession), which is thought electricity. ideas that repeatedly comes up in a person's consciousness.

Forced operations, kompulsioner, acts or rituals, as the person feels he / she must perform. Forced Avenues is often what leads to coercive actions. A well-known example is that a person constantly feel dirty (obsession), which leads to coercive action to wash their hands, sometimes up to 50 times a day.

Common to both Obsession and kompulsionerne is that he is trying to reject them, but feel that the performance or tank prevents an outside threat situation, for example. that they or their loved coming to harm. The people can with their good sense to see that the mind or they are unfair. There are many people who suffer from OCD to a greater or lesser degree. An accurate estimate of prevalence is difficult, however. The disease debuterer from 4 years of age and can be seen with other

The cause of the disease is not entirely clear. It is believed that the areas, which is helping to coordinate the starting and stopping of one's behavior does not work optimally. Another theory is that the fault in the regulation of brain chemicals (neurotransmitters), or increased activity in certain parts of the brain.

Symptoms of OCD

Forced thoughts are usually thinking, who returns again and again, and thus persists. This may be fantasies or unpleasant things that fear of becoming infected with the disease, if you are in proximity to other people. In the worst case may be the idea of coming to harm, for example. her child or others. The idea usually leads to discomfort andanxiety.

The idea may occur gradually and become increasingly stronger. While attempting to reject the ideas, to fail this often. Eventually forced to mindaffect the person's daily lifeand performances, as it often must perform acts constantly to prevent a feared situation. A classic situation has forced the idea that you do not turn off the gas stove, which leads to coercive act that several times during the night facing up to check this. This is a classic form of so-called control behavior. Forced operations often caused anxiety induced by thoughts, and by carrying out acts people with OCD feel a great relief. They feel they have defensive


All people experience mild forms of forced or coercive acts thoughts without it being considered disease. It is only at the moment we are experiencing real anxiety symptoms, seeanxietyAnd it will impact on the ordinary daily life. If you find that you can not counter a recurring thought or action, as the example. can not live normally and to work, you should consult a doctor. The doctor can, through conversation to assess whether or not there is a boot OCD and possible treatment. As relatives, it is important in cases of suspected OCD to urge him to seek medical help when people with OCD are often embarrassed about their problem.

Treatment of OCD

The treatment of OCD consists of a combination of behavioral therapy and antidepressants such as SSRIs (selective serotonin genoptaghæmmer). When behavior therapy attempts to expose the person to the feared situation and support him in that nothing happens if coercive action be omitted.

In some countries, in severe cases, surgery, which intersects with small structures in the brain's front part. This procedure is not used in Denmark.

Select and complications

The course is very varied, and most experienced both good and bad periods, even during treatment. Untreated mode will last.



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