Definition and causes Most people will experience anxiety during their lives, in greater or lesser degree, and this will feel like anxiety and internal unrest. Anxiety occurs frequently in response to a threatening situation or a specific mental strain and is typically a transient response. When anxiety takes on a strength and duration, which leads to personal and social limitations in their daily lives, can we talk about chronic anxiety.The 3 most common forms of anxiety are: - Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
- Fobisk anxiety (fear of specific situations or objects).
- Panikangst.
Gene Reli Seret anxiety (GA) The Experience of general anxiety without cause is no different from an anxiety that can develop because of a specific threat situation, as seen the same turmoil and anxiety. GA often seen in people who are experiencing discomfort at being with other people, has few friends and are afraid to get in embarrassing situations. They perceive a reluctance to meet new challenges and experiences in daily life. There is not a special relationship which triggers fear.
The cause of anxiety is not clear, but there are different theories: One of the theories is that, an experience in childhood or adulthood can lead to fear that the person then tries to escape. Another theory is that the person is convinced that the symptoms (see below) is evidence of serious physical ailments, such as an experience of rapid heartbeat, which leads to the idea that there can be a serious heart defect (which, however much rarely the case). There are also biological theories, which may help to explain why GA because it has found that antidepressant medication also helps with anxiety. Thus one can assume that the medicine dampens fears of an intervention in the message signals (neurotransmitters), which helps to induce fear. Fobisk anxiety In this type of anxiety appears to anxiety symptoms only under specific conditions. The person trying to evade the fact that trigger fear. It may, for example. be anxiety to move alone, outside the home or fear of spiders. The reason for fobisk anxiety is not clear. Panikangst The overall by panikangst is panic attack. The attack is of short duration and when a maximum after about. 10 min., And contains intense fear and tension. Panikanfaldet can either be totally unexpected, or arise in connection with exposure to, or idea of a particular situation. During the attack, there is often fear of losing control, dying or becoming crazy. Symptoms of anxiety Anxiety can manifest itself as both mental and physical symptoms:- Palpitations, tense facial expressions and shaking hands.
- Breathing Trouble, together snørede sensations in the chest, hyper-ventilation.
- Sweaty hands, feet and armpit.
- Pale and tend to crying.
- Dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, maveuro and diarrhea.
- Impotence and menstrual problems.
By generalized anxiety can also be seen: - Sleep disorder with nightmares, waking periods at night with disturbing thoughts.
Precautions and diagnosis
Seeing Monday cases of anxiety in daily life due to external conflicts, can we try to identify the triggers. Here there are problems in the family or at work, which must be solved, or there might be a phobia against, for example. spiders, which they themselves or with family help can try to overcome.In the event that the fear is so widespread that in everyday life curtailed, we must seek help from your doctor. Here you will get problems through discussion and possible. receive a referral to a psychiatrist or psychologist, depending on where the fear is pronounced. The doctor will also rule out the possibility that the symptoms caused by an organic illness like. tyreotoksikose or fæokromocytom.
Treatment of anxiety It is used primarily psychotherapy and medikamentel treatment. It is shown that psychotherapy combined with medikamentel treatment shortens the period in which to be treated with medication. Supportive psychotherapy, where the patient is supported, while exposed to angstfremkaldende situations, reduces anxiety levels. Similarly, various relaxation exercises and breathing exercises have an effect.Especially when symptoms are harder medikamentel reading a good effect. There used sedative and antidepressant medication. At the start of treatment, it is important that Trappes slowly up, and by reducing the symptoms should Trappes slowly out of medicine again after a period. The reason for the slow escalation is to prevent the development of side effects. Select and complications The forecast for panikangst is good, and 50% seeing a marked improvement after treatment. Has there been a mixture of both diagnosis and panikangst phobia, the prognosis worse.
By phobias is good prognosis with treatment, learning how to master the external conflicts.
The course is more complicated by general anxiety, as forecast here is very dependent on personality type and severity of the symptoms. Well-motivated patients have a better prognosis.It should be noted that the symptoms of generalized anxiety is very similar to a depression, the doctor at the first interview will try to exclude that there is a depression.