Definition and causesDenmark is a country with a high alcohol consumption per. capita, compared our Nordic neighbors. It is believed that around. 90 percent of the adult population drink alcohol in any degree, and that approx. 200,000 people have an alcohol dependency problem. Beer and wine seem to be the preferred drink, and the largest consumption takes too long most people place on Friday and Saturday. Studies also show that a small group (about 15-20 proc  It is common and culturally accepted to drink alcohol in Denmark, and moderate alcohol intake is not a problem for society or individuals. However, it becomes a major problem both for individuals and for society when alcohol begins to affect the life of individuals in physical, mental and social contexts. In today's Denmark, there is a tendency towards a decreasing debutalder for greater alcohol consumption, which in the shelter The few who do not realize that larger quantities of alcohol is harmful to the body. To define the limit beyond which it will have health consequences, has Sundhedsstyrelsen therefore made some guidelines for how many items Monday should take no more than a week. The intake should not exceed 14 articles per week for women and 21 articles per week for men, and consumption above considered harmful. There are temporary high individual variation in relation to how much alcohol you can take before you become dependent on the substance. This makes the line between use and abuse with dependence to a mixed area that you can not put a number of articles on. The transition from drinking socially to develop dependence is smooth and can take from months to years. Who ends up in an abuse is difficult to predict, but ahereditary factorbelieved to play a major role. However, there are some criteria to use when we talk about real addiction. You do not like all the following, but only 3 out of 6 for at least one month in the last 12 months, to be dependent: Trang (almost irresistible taste for alcohol). Symptoms (malaise, sweats, restlessness, high pulse rate, etc.).. Tolerance (requiring larger quantities of the same effect). Impaired control (small amounts of alcohol leads to a taste for large quantities and frequent intake). Continued intake even if you know the damage the body. Decreased ability to care work, family etc..
Moreover, a characteristic sign of addiction, that you must drink in the morning to get started. It "treats" to the symptoms that arose during the night, which did not have consumed alcohol because of sleep. Often, an alcohol abuse begin as a result of a major life change, which for example divorce, firing from the job, more traumatic events (mainly women), peer into the environment or depression. Furthermore, a higher alcohol abuse among the disadvantaged in society, how many are available for abuse. Similarly, children of alcoholics are predisposed to develop alcoholism, by a factor of 2-4. With this,
For some starting alcohol abuse to get relief in the personal or social issues, such as following one of the above events. Alcohol is not a solution to the problem, and can become a serious problem with far-reaching personal consequences. It is rare that alcohol dependent even realize how serious their problem is and the vast majority it is necessary to help to stop Symptoms of alcohol dependenceThe symptoms of alcoholism-related both to the person's behavior, but also to the more physical effects of alcohol intake. Be modeAlcoholism often starts with the person begins to drink muchlarge quantities of alcoholin social contexts. By ingestion of small numbers, the person can not control the urge to drink more and therefore much alcohol, although others in the group drinking little. Likewise, the person often like many events to attend where it is socially accepted to drink alcohol. It begins, however, to get more and more episodes ofembarrassing behaviorAnd often this person will suffer from a "black-out" where you can not remember tonight's episode. The need todrinking days back thenis also an incipient signs of alcohol dependence.
When alcohol abuse escalates, begins todrinking on the sly, For example at lunch on the way home from work or at home. It is therefore not uncommon to find alcohol bottles hidden around the home.
The person begins to graduallychange behaviorand have difficulties with concentration and light to aggression and irritability, particularly when confronted with the problem. The reason for this may be the strong guilt that many alcoholics are often associated with abuse. Interviewed an alcoholic will deny a problem with alcohol.
It is also known that many people with depression also have an alcohol consumption. Symptoms such as depression, loss of pleasure and interest as well as decreased energy and mood is characteristic of depressive and can therefore be found in alcoholics. Symptoms attenuated by alcohol. Physical symptomsThe immediate physical symptoms of abuse are linked to alkoholabstinens. Abstinence typically develops within hours after cessation of alcohol intake, and proves that: Anxiety and tremor. Sweat Trend. Palpitations. Fever. High blood pressure.
These symptoms can be relieved by renewed intake of alcohol, and thus starts a vicious circle where you drink to keep the physical symptoms disappear. Severe abstinence symptoms may develop into a life threatening condition (acute delir) and should be promptly treated during hospitalization of the person in hospital (see treatment below). Precautions and diagnosisIt can be difficult to realize that you have an alcohol abuse. If you still have an insight into his own situation and feel a greater dependence, it is important to seek help. This may be through their own doctor or an alcohol unit, which has extensive experience in helping people with these problems. There are approx. 200,000 alcohol addicts in Denmark, so it's not embarrassing to seek outside help! If the family or circle of friends discovers a start abuse, you should support the person to seek medical or other measures which can help. There may be many emotions involved in drawing attention to the problem, and it is therefore important to include professional as soon as possible. This way you can try to use friends and family to support, rather than alkoholprob
Are we therefore unsure of how to tackle the situation, you should contact a place where they are used to advise relatives, friends or work on how to address it. Treatment of alcohol dependenceIn a long-term dependency problem can be regarded as a genuine problem disease. The person must be helped out of a hopeless situation in many areas. To implement good treatment of alcohol dependence syndrome, it is important to create a good contact between the abuse and treats, where you can talk openly about the problem. If the person is interested, we can offer to boot antabuse treatment. Antabuse is a drug that hinders alkoholnedbrydelsen, with accumulation of a toxic substance as a result. Maintains Monday anyway antabuse alcohol |