It is an indisputable fact that our sensory organs - especially eyesight and hearing - impaired when we get up in years. Often, the degradation, however, at least in part, a result of factors other than age.
The kind of problems can be treated, and feature either improved or completely restored. But even if the problem can not be totally resolved, it is possible with modern technical innovations that improve both vision and hearing considerably.

The sight Only 1 in 20 over 50 years may have as good vision that allows him to read, walk and drive without glasses. Most over 65 suffering from hypermetropia, a condition where the lens of the eye has become rigid and not so easily bring nearby objects into focus. There is no way to prevent age influence on the survey, but go regularly to the ophthalmologist or optician (see In opticians) and get your sight checked. New lenses can compensate for the reduced vision or - which is still
Hearing Hearing impairment that occurs with age, due mostly to hear the cells in the inner ear dying. Usually losing only the ability to hear high tones. After hearing impaired in the treble area, it is almost impossible to hear what people say, if there is noise in the room. Hearing impairment can be alleviated on the audio logical sections where you can test equipment (see Hearing impairment and aids). Other types of hearing loss can be caused, for example. a wax stopper in the ear canal. Through specific
Other sensory organs Other sensory organs, which often decreases when we get older, the taste, smell and a sense of balance. Be not alarmed, however, if the food starts to scents and tastes of less than it did before. This does not affect the general well-being, as long as people continue to eat a varied and in moderation. By flavor your food a little more one can compensate for this. The balance is a little more serious matter, since dizziness can lead to decrease injuries (see Drop Damage).
A healthy, young person's skin can detect a temperature reduction in the surroundings as little as 0.5 ° C. When we get older, may be sensitive to temperature changes is reduced so much that you might not even marks a reduction of 5 ° C. This is one reason for older people more easily affected by loss of body temperature, and it is best if elderly people have a thermometer at home so they can control the indoor temperature.
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