Last updated:10-01-2008
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Definition and causes

Oxygen levels in the blood transported all predominantly in the red blood cells, bound to the hemoglobin molecule. It is this substance that gives blood red color. Anemia or anemia) is defined in healthy adults as a hemoglobin level below 8 mM in men and 7 mM in women. It is this value that is somewhat misleading often referred to as blood percentage.

In pregnant women blodvolumet, ie. formed more blood, but the composition of this is a little different than in non pregnant women, and is slightly diluted proportionately. Therefore, the market value of hemoglobin in the pregnant woman in 2nd and 3rd trimester> 6.8 mM.

The cause of anemia among the pregnant women may be due both iron deficiency (iron deficiency anemia) and folic acid deficiency (folinsyreanæmi). Other types of anaemias are sickle cell anemia, specifically found in women who come from or whose ancestors come from, African, Middle Eastern or Southeast Asian countries. In addition, thalassemia, there is a genetic defect in some migrants from the Middle Eastern countries. Death found in the Northern European population hereditary sfærocytose, the

Symptoms of anemia during pregnancy

Light forms of anemia usually gives no symptoms. Severe cases, pallor, palpitations, fatigue and dizziness (the latter two are non-specific symptoms that many experience, whether healthy pregnant and non-pregnant).

Severe anemia can probably inhibit fetal growth and increase the risk of lack of oxygen during birth.

Iron deficiency anemia can also lead to a child born with inadequate iron stores, and subsequently be treated with iron supplements.

Precautions and diagnosis

The diagnosis made by the physician in a routine blood test, taken by one of the first consultations. It can sometimes be at the discovery of a new onset heart murmur, as the doctor consult by stetoskopi. This should not be interpreted as that woman's heart is sick, but when cardiac work increases, the cardiac sounds higher, and blood, which squeezed out through the heart, will give more sound, partly because of the force and partly because of the volume. This is called a physiological heart murmur.

What type of anemia which is determined by blood tests.

Treatment of anemia during pregnancy

Treatment depends on the underlying cause, ie. what type of anemia, there is. The hereditary (sickle cell anemia, thalassemia and sfærocytose) dealt primarily with blood transfusions.

Jernmangelanæmi treated with iron supplements and folinsyreanæmi treated with grants of folic acid. In the not pregnant made the rule with diet regulation, but with the pregnant, there is a need for subsidies.

The prevention of anemia during pregnancy

The prevention of anemia during pregnancy based on offers of screening for hereditary blood disease in pregnant women, who come from areas with high incidence of the disease. Jernmangelanæmi and folinsyreanæmi preventable with grants and diet regulation.





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