Definition and causes Pregnancy Poisoning (pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia) is a potentially dangerous condition that can develop themselves in the pregnant woman, usually after the 20th week. The mode is defined by 3 findings: - High blood pressure (hypertension) (usually set the threshold for hypertension in pregnancy at a systolic pressure above 140 mm Hg and / or a diastolic pressure above 90 mmHg).
- Protein in the urine (proteinuria).
- Fluid retention in the body (Universal edema).
These findings are indicative of the underlying diseasepre-eclampsia. It gives usually not the big inconvenience to the woman, but it is a condition that untreated including may precede diseaseEclampsia(food spasms), which can be severe and rarely can be fatal.
Modes are rare, since women during pregnancy checks have measured blood pressure, and therefore detect early pre-eclampsia. The disease mechanism of pre-eclampsia is not known, but there is suggested a few theories: - One is that the woman's immune system reacts against substances from the father. This theory is supported by the fact that women are affected primarily is the first time women women, women who have experienced it before with the same partner and women who have previously born smoothly, but now is pregnant with another man.
- Another theory is that in the placenta is an incomplete indvækst of some of the parent pie cells in uterine wall, leading to an immune response which will reverse the bleeding in the placenta. This leads to the release of substances that act in destructive cells in karvæggen in the female body, and that this leads to the tanks pulling together and are more leaking, with high blood pressure and water in the body to follow.
It divides pre-eclampsia in a light and a high level after blood pressure and the amount of protein in urine, and whether the woman has many symptoms. Symptoms of pregnancy poisoning Most women have no symptoms of the disease (with the exception of swollen legs, as many pregnant women are plagued by), and therefore the event was discovered during routine checks of the doctor or midwife. The symptoms that can occur are:- Headache.
- Drowsiness.
- Visual disturbances.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Pain in the upper abdomen.
Precautions and diagnosis If you are seeing more of these symptoms should contact their doctor. Here we should add to fatigue and nausea / vomiting is something many pregnant women experience, without the context of pre-eclampsia. The diagnosis made by the physician, by his measure blood pressure, and with a urinstix examine a sample of the woman's urine. In addition, he will investigate the edema (fluid).Treatment of pregnancy poisoning The curative treatment is to remove the triggering cause, namely the placenta, after which the woman is healthy. This can not do other than to redeemer child, which is not appropriate early pregnancy. Therefore, the immediate treatment to be symptomatic, which is to lower blood pressure, as well as to observe the woman and fetus close.If symptom onset in the 37th weeks or later, put the birth started when the child is so mature that the risk of complications of the premature birth is not so great. - Light præeklamspi:
Blood pressure lowered blood pressure medicines. In addition, the woman checked twice a week with blood pressure measurements and urine tests. A weekly blood tests, focusing in particular meter living figures, and make a kardiotokografi. All these measurements to avoid developing complications (see below). If the condition worsens (blood pressure rises, or the woman will have more or less symptoms) woman hospitalized for observation.
- Severe pre-eclampsia:
If the pregnancy is 34 weeks or more, redeemer child. We have estimated that the risk of continuing the pregnancy exceeds the risk of complications in the prematurely born infant. It will, however, before igansætningen treat blood pressure.
Select and complications Præeklapsi with their mothers can also lead to:- Pulmonary edema (water in the lungs).
DIC, which is a condition in which blood formed a lot of small blood clots.
- Renal failure.
- Stroke.
- HELLP (Haemolysis, elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platlets), which is a state of decomposition of red blood cells, elevated liver and a reduced number of platelets.
In the child can lead to: - Slow growth in the fetus (IUGR).
- Mother Cake Solution.
Complication are quite rare, as pre-eclampsia was discovered by a doctor or midwife and treated early.