Definition and causes There is talk of impeded growth of the fetus when the fetus does not weigh much, as it is expected to weigh on its age. This may be an indication that the fetus does not have proof, why they should pay close attention to this state. A child who weighs less than average, do not need to have hampered growth, perhaps the children in the family's just not that big.The cause of inhibited growth of the fetus is usually that the placenta is not working so well, so that the fetus does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients to grow. The placenta function worse, if: - The mother smokes.
- The mother is drinking much alcohol.
- The mother has substance or drug abuse.
- Uterus is misshapen.
- The mother sheep pregnancy poisoning.
- The mother has anemia.
- The mother has a chronic disease as eg. heart, kidney, gut or metabolic disorders.
- The mother is under-or malnourished.
In other cases due to the fact in the fetus like. malformations, kromosomfejl, infection or that there is more than one fetus (twins, triplets, etc.). In some cases, you will find no explanation as to why this particular embryo has hampered growth.
Symptoms of inhibited growth of the fetus Abdomen and uterus is not as great as expected. Fetal weight is lower than expected for the current age.
Precautions and diagnosis If you suspect that the child is not growing as it should, you should immediately seek medical attention. This will mark the abdomen to get an idea of how big the child is, as well as measuring the distance from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus. Since this is rather uncertain methods to determine fetal weight, your doctor will also make an ultrasound of the abdomen, where you using different measurements of fetal size, with reasonable certainty can calculate how much it weighs. At the same time the doctor looking after theThe doctor must also try to be quite sure how old the fetus is, with a small weight of the fetus is also may reflect the fact that the woman may not be as far along in her pregnancy, as assumed. If there is no ultrasound scan early in pregnancy (before 3 months), it may be impossible to calculate precisely. Treatment of inhibited growth of the fetus
If the reason for that fetus is not growing is that it is malformed or has a kromosomfejl, there is no treatment. In other cases, we must try to remove the triggering cause. The mother should stay completely from tobacco, alcohol, drugs and unnecessary medication. The mother of any disease should be treated as well as possible, and she should no longer at home. If the child has acquired an infection, we must treat with antibiotics to the mother.We will follow fetal growth closely with ultrasound scans and listening to the fetus hjertelyd several times a week. By hard inhibited growth, which considers that there is a danger of fetal life, you can choose to put birth in time or low caesarean section (see also aids at birth). If the fetus is not yet 34 weeks old, will be as much as possible try to mature their lungs, giving the mother injections with adrenal cortical hormones 1-2 days before delivery. Select and complications There is a higher risk of complications during the birth if the child has impeded growth, since it does not have as good resources to the military. A newborn baby who has been hampered growth as a fetus, will often be very thin and sensitive to cold. It will easier for low blood sugar and blood may be thicker than usual as it has produced more red blood cells, which tied the most of it perhaps sparse oxygen, it has been inside the womb.There is an increased risk of both physical and mental senfølger with a child who has been hampered growth. If the child did not receive enough oxygen and nutrients into embryonic state, it may have been brain damaged. Many children with impaired growth in fetal condition is not so great later in life.