Definition and causes A pregnancy outside the uterus (Extrauterine pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy) occurs when the normally fertilized egg grows himself in a place other than the uterus lining, which is usually the case. Instead of indvæksten In the case of all places, which usually passes the egg (ie, ovaries), abdominal cavity, the egg-heads or the bottom of the uterus, ie. cervix). However sits 95% of the Extrauterine pregnancies in the egg-heads. The pregnancy obviously can not fully borne and the condition is potentially dangerous for pregnant women and require treatment (see below). The causes of pregnancy outside the uterus is usually purely mechanical. That is where the egg managers' ability to carry the egg for one reason or another are reduced. This may be due to a narrowing because of abdominal inflammation (usually sexually transmitted as gonorrhea or chlamydia, or as a result of a spiral or even appendicitis, if this has been complicated. Former operations in the fallopian tubes also increases the risk of Extrauterine pregnancy, and ri Symptoms of pregnancy outside the uterus Often the woman is not aware that she is pregnant, as irregular menstruation is not completely abnormal in Extrauterine pregnancies. The symptoms can be a little dark bleeding, either because of pregnancy or as a result of a blatant miscarriage. Often the first symptom abdominal pain, often starting as tours show pain of prickly character, which can move in more constant pain.Death may be the first symptom fainting, followed by pain.
Precautions and diagnosis One of the first studies that will be made by the physician, is a urine specimen for pregnancy hormone hCG. All fertile women who arrive in an emergency room with abdominal pain should have conducted this study (or a similar blood test).Then there is gynecological examination, which in some cases will demonstrate tenderness of the uterus. This will often be accompanied by an ultrasound examination through the vagina, which could detect a pregnancy in the uterus, if the woman is far enough along in her pregnancy. Often supplemented with a blood test in which blood levels of pregnancy hormone is measured, and one can, by following developments in the levels of this hormone, get a clue whether Extrauterine pregnancy. Treatment of pregnancy outside the uterus The primary treatment depends on whether the woman is seriously affected and at risk. This can be seen if the woman has very soft, which at worst can lead to her going into shock with life-threatening orbit failures.In such a case is the first treatment, to ensure a woman's life, by injecting her blood and fluid. Since then the woman, which opens the abdominal wall, remove the pregnancy and stop the bleeding. If the woman is stable, the pregnancy is removed during more peaceful environment, which usually will happen at a laparoskopi (a telescope guided surgery), where the patient is in full anesthesia, but the abdominal wall does not open other than small entry holes to the telescope and instruments. In some cases you can treat with medication alone and induce an abortion. Select and complications If the woman is not acute affected, has been generally peaceful, though it could be a mourning after full course of the woman (and her partner), especially if there was a wanted pregnancy.The risk of subsequent to another Extrauterine pregnancy is significantly increased, as the normal fertility is significantly reduced.
Prevention of pregnancy outside the uterus There is nothing we can do with security to prevent a pregnancy outside the uterus. However, we can reduce some of the risk factors by example. using protection during intercourse and thus reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and reproductive tract infections, which can be caused to a later pregnancy becomes Extrauterine.