Definition and causes When a part gets damaged in such a degree that it affects movement function significantly, and there is pain at rest, it may be necessary to make operation of the stage. The severity of the injury on stage determines the need for surgical correction of the bone ends, or whether to insert a complete or partial artificial joints. An artificial part shaped by the specific context, it will replace, and may consist of both metal and rubber products.
The reasons for that part becomes damaged, is most often osteoarthritis or an accident. When should the surgery? One of the main reasons to operate a step is pain. When there is pain at rest, there is the greatest motivation for surgery. Similarly, there is surgical, when the joint function is much reduced.
Which part is involved? Typically one sees implantation of artificial joints (aalloplastik) In hip and knee joint, since these part because of body weight are the most affected. In addition, can also be artificial joints in the shoulder, elbow, hand, fingers and feet.
Prevention Overweight are more likely to damage the stage because of the increased load, so weight loss is to recommend. Similarly, we must avoid repeating work that overwhelm stage. There are genetic factors that come into play in the development of osteoarthritis.
Select and complications Replacing the part is usually very good effect on pain and functionality. An artificial knee keep around. 15 years without complications, and we must then consider inserting a new one. An artificial hip joints keep around. 20 years without complications. There is a risk that the artificial joints is by part, why it is important to make effective rehabilitation of muscles and ligaments around the stage.
There is always risk of infection by an operation, and by implantation of an artificial part is the risk of infection is slightly higher than average. Therefore given antibiotics in connection with the operation. An infection in the artificial joints can occur several years after surgery. An infection anywhere else in the body can spread to the bone around the artificial joints, so you have to be extra keen to take antibiotics for future infection.