What is microscopic and culture? Microscopy and culture made of fluid or other tissues in cases of suspected infection with microorganisms, ie. bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. The sample taken to determine exactly what micro-organism in question, so the treatment can be directed specifically against this.
By microscopy, you can see the largest micro-organisms, mainly parasites, fungi and bacteria. You can color the bacteria so they can more easily be seen under a microscope, while the divided into subgroups according to how they are stained.
Viruses and special bacteria are more difficult to diagnose because they are hiding inside the body's cells. Here, a normal blood test, which can investigate whether there are antibodies against the organism. There may also be made DNA amplification, where it used to know what the DNA sequence of individual viruses or bacteria.
Isolation typically performed on bacteria and using that harmful bacteria require specific growing conditions. They can be opened up and separated from the body's own healthy bacteria, there will always be present in small quantities in a test.
Contamination with large amounts of healthy bacteria forms and to a problem of cultivation, since they could suppress the harmful bacteria.
What is microscopic and culture? On suspicion of infection with microorganisms can take a sample from the affected area, for example:- Opspyt from the lungs in cases of suspected pneumonia.
- Urinary cases of suspected infections of the urinary tract, for example. blærebetændelse.
- Feces Test by suspected infection of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Blood suspect Growing by bacteria or fungi in the blood. See blood poisoning.
- Removal of sample material from an infected wound, a mucous membrane or ear canal, a so-calledgrafting.
- Rygmarvsvæske by suspected meninges inflammation (meningitis).
How is the investigation? Take samples from that site, and this sealed in a special container. Then the sample is sent to the appropriate place, such as hospital microbiological department or State Seruminstitut.Microscopy conducted immediately after a bug. dyeing, and it is often possible for the experienced microbiologist to make the diagnosis directly.
Bacteria cultivated in the oven at 37 degrees, as they thrive best at that temperature. Cultivation can, depending on the bacterium in question, taking between 2 days and 6 weeks. As different organisms require different growing conditions, it is necessary to ask for the cultivation of relevant groups of bacteria, and are available only succeed if the suspicion proves to be justified.
There is also a so-called resistance provision of micro-organism. This reveals what types of antibiotics, the organism is susceptible to, so there may be the most appropriate treatment strategy. This article is formed on the Health Guide on 31.07.06