What is a kikkertundersøgelse?

Kikkertundersøgelse, also known as askopi, Is a procedure where you have the opportunity to see the inside of various cavities in the body. It is about the bladder, esophagus, stomach, intestine and joints. During surgery has been able to diagnose and take tissue samples (biopsies), and sometimes it can be the same deal with the conditions you find.

How does a kikkertundersøgelse?

Arthroscopy performed with a long metal pipes. By bladder and ledundersøgelser pipe is rigid, while in surveys of stomach-intestinal canal is flexible. At the end of the tube sits a small camera that is connected to a television. Her doctor can keep track of how far we have achieved and what you find. The pipe is also coupled small instruments that can take tiny tissue samples, remove udvækster (polyps) or cancer nodules and stop the bleeding.

What types of telescope surveys are there?

Kikkertundersøgelse bladder (Cystoskopi)
The survey is usually as a local anesthetic (stupefying jellies filled in the urethra) and takes 10-15 minutes. A 25 cm long, thin tube enters through the urethra and bladder filled with water. We examine mucous membranes of udvækster (polyps), irregularities, ulcers and tumors and are looking at whether there is stone in the bladder.

Kikkertundersøgelse of part (Artroskopi)
A kikkertundersøgelse of context, a artroskopi, can be made in all major body part, but the vast majority are in the knee joint. A artroskopi to identify the cause of symptoms such as swelling, pain, impaired mobility, locking, etc. You can also treat some conditions during surgery.

The study is in a form of local anesthetic, so you are awake and can keep up on the screen during the surgery, if you like. Instruments are entering through small cuts in the skin, and the stage is filled with sterile water. Then you can examine the entire knee joint, you can remove the "mouse" (in foreign trade), repair or remove menisker and low korsbånd. The study is ½ to 1 ½ hours, and you do not hospitalized in connection with a artroskopi.

Kikkertundersøgelse of the respiratory tract (bronchoscopy)
A bronchoscopy produced by diseases of the lungs, usually in cases of suspected lung cancer. The study done at a local anesthetic, and given a sedative medication before. A thin, flexible tube is passed through the mouth or nose down to voice their lips, which anesthetics with spray / liquid. This will take the hose down the air pipe to the bronchial tubes. Here, take tissue samples (biopsies), and with a little water, which then subsequently examined for cells and bacteria, etc.

It hosts maybe a little along the way, and because the pipe can not speak during the investigation, but there is plenty of room to breathe without discomfort. The survey takes about. half hour, and you do not hospitalized.

Kikkertundersøgelse of stomach and esophagus (gastroscopy)
Gastroscopy is a very extensive investigation, which could diagnose and treat a host of diseases. The survey is usually as a local anesthetic (possibly combined with sedate), Monday is on the page, and a thin, flexible tube kept down through your esophagus and into the stomach and the very top part of the twelve shall intestine. Here you can see and remove udvækster (polyps), stop the bleeding ulcers and other bleeding, and you can see tumors and take samples from them. The esophagus can be u

By gallstones can you create an "expanded" gastroscopy, called an ERCP, which leads a thin probe into the biliary tract. Here you can (by X-ray) see gallstones and using the probe to remove them.

Kikkertundersøgelse of the intestine (colonoscopy, sigmoideoskopi and anoskopi)
Studies of large bowel is either a colonoscopy (entire large bowel) or a sigmoideoskopi (Colon bottom 60 cm). Arthroscopy investigation can resolve symptoms such as pain, blood or mucus in the stools or stools changed pattern. In 9 out of 10 cases, you can find the cause, and many modes can even be treated during surgery. Tarmbetændelser and other chronic diseases can be followed regularly with the investigation, and by cancer nodules can extend the intestine and thereby alleviate

Anoskopi is a quick study that with a short, rigid tube examines the lower end of the intestine. The study, for example. to clarify the reason for blood in stool and hemorrhoids.


This article is formed on the Health Guide on 31.07.06





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