We hear often from the doctor that a disease either case of a virus or a bacterial infection. Below is a brief review of what it really means.
VirusDefinition A virus is a small biological size, which, in general, can only reproduce by using living cells. A virus consists of a genetic material (either DNA or RNA) and a protective surface consisting of protein. Experts discussing today whether viruses are living organisms or not. They do not have their own energistofskifte and does not consist of cells. They are so small that they usually can not even be seen in a widely lysmikroskop. Viruses reproduce by using a værtscelles metabolism and kernereaktioner to make dozens of copies of itself. It ends with the host dies, and all the new viruskopier spread around the body and can infect other cells. The genetic material consists of virus, is the subject of constant development of new types and afarter of the original virus.
Treatment of viral infections A viral infection (for example. cold , influenza or mononukleose ) Is typically associated with the disease and at least one or other form of response from the immune system. The formation of antibodies against the specific virusform and the immune system can, in most cases, remove the virus over time.Antibiotics have no effect against viruses and medicines for the treatment of the virus is difficult to develop, as most viruses, as mentioned constantly changing little. There is, however, developed specific anti-viral medicines that can keep certain chronic and / or life-threatening viral infections in check (for example against HIV and herpes ). Last but not least, we can prevent more viral infections to be vaccinated (for example, against the MFR, hepatitis and flu). When you are vaccinated immune system can immediately recognize the virus and eliminate the split second before it can create havoc. However, it is important to keep in mind that the virus is evolving and therefore it is important to continue to develop new vaccines (for example. A new influenza vaccine each year). Read more about vaccination . BacteriaDefinition A bacterium is a living, encellet organism. They come in many forms, but as a rule, consists of a protective cell wall that surrounds the genetic material and vital structures. A bacterium is 1000 times greater than a virus and can mostly be found in a lysmikroskop. The multiply as other cells to divide, and may be in the right circumstances quickly become many.Millions of bacteria live in symbiosis with the human body and is actually of great benefit, for example in the gut, where they help to provide some vitamins (such as. Folic acid and vitamin k) and transform the milk to lactic acid. Moreover, their presence discourages the growth of harmful bacteria. Other types of bacteria, however, the cause of much disease and death and has clearly been the major killer throughout the ages. It is the number of bacteria and their angrebssted, which is essential for the severity of a bacterial infection. How the bacteria bring in the body, is however different from bacteria to bacteria, depending on where the growth is best. One can as a doctor often guess its up to the bacterium that is the culprit by certain bacterial diseases such as pneumonia and cystitis . Some of the bacteria that live in symbiosis a place in the body, may be sygdomfremkaldende elsewhere. This includes tarmbakterien E. coli, which is the leading cause of urinary tract infections When it considers the way up in the bladder.
Discussed We can treat bacterial infections with antibiotics. Penicillin was discovered first, but there is, over time, many different kinds of antibiotics, each with their virkningsområde. The works by either to prevent bacterial growth or to turn off the bacteria to death. As with viruses, bacteria's genes are the subject of development. It turns out that the more antibiotics are being used in the fight against bacteria, the greater the risk that bacteria develop resistance, såk