Definition Skovflåter or ticks (the latin Ixodes Ricinus) are parasites which are typically located in forest areas in knæhøj, close stand in the summer and efterårsmånederne. They will not fall on one of the trees. They live on blood and bites when people or animals go over them. They put themselves in the mouth and borer into a vein. The more blood one tick get, the more it grows. Because of skovflåternes snyltemetode, which allows it to bite more animals or people in his life, they are good to transmit infection. The most famous disease Lyme disease .
Symptoms It is typically not mark a flåtbid because flåten syringes lokalbedøvende substance on the skin first. If skovflåten bear on the bacterium borrelia-developed as a rule, a ring-shaped udslet around bidstedet after day for weeks, see the section on Lyme disease .
 Precautions If you have horizontal in the woods with dense, knæhøjt shrubbery or grass, it is prudent to examine themselves for ticks. Skovflåten seeking heat and humidity, and therefore prefer areas such as groin, armhuler and paced. If you find a flåt, it is a good idea to remove it quickly. There are specially designed flåtfjernere on the market (ask your pharmacist), but in the absence of this can be a tweezers or your fingers are used. The technique is that there should be addressed in both flåtens head and body. Next, Monday If you can not remove flåten completely, it should be a doctor, so can cut flåten out with a small incision in the skin. In the days to weeks after a flåtbid obtained ring-shaped blush, which spread from bidstedet, one should consult a doctor as it may be signs of incipient borreliainfektion That requires treatment.Prevention In order to avoid a bite during a stay in an area with many ticks, can cover the body thoroughly. For example, with long trousers down in strømperne (it is not fine, but relatively efficient!) And long sleeves. You can also spraye with funds that act repugnant to the ticks, to avoid flåtangreb.