Definition and presence There are many different loppearter and many of them bites people. Menneskeloppen Pulex irritans is the only species to specific uses man as host, ie. live on humans. Due. the improved hygiene in Denmark is the same kind as good as disappeared. However, there are still fleas in animals, for example fuglelopper, rottelopper mm These can be in the absence of their regular hosts try their hand at various domestic animals and even humans. They can not reproduce in these "new" hosts, but may lay eggs in, for example hundekurve, kattebakker or fugleredekasser / cages.Symptoms of fleas A loppebid looks like a very common insektstik, ie. an asymmetrical redness and swelling that can klø. Most often are a few elements to a limited extent with a central stikkanal. There is a difference in how to respond to a loppebid, rarely, there may be a violent reaction with larger areas affected.Precautions and treatment To remove the source of contamination is the most important step in the removal of fleas. This is done by ensuring good hygiene, wash and vacuum birdcages, hundekurve and kattebakker and spraye them with insecticide sprays. Any loppeangreb therefore prevented by keeping good hygiene with themselves and their livestock. Loppebid can be treated locally with steroidcreme. |