Lusen is a snyltedyr, ie. a small insect, which specializes in life and of people. Lice are found as three different kinds. Hovedlus found in hårbunden and is by far the most frequent. Fladlus live in kønsbehåringen, and kropslus live in clothes, but are very rare. Common to all louse is that the lives of nutrition from værtsmenneskets blood, and that they multiply, as they lay eggs. A louse lives around. a month and is usually 7-8 eggs a day, so they quickly become much!

Symptoms and characteristics of louse Lusene bites and sucks blood several times a day. Biddene can give small red or blålige brands and often, but not always, pronounced itching in the affected area. Lusene are small, but visible to the naked eye. An adult hovedlus are 2-3 mm long and varies in color from light gray to very dark. The eggs measure just 1 mm and are white. They may look like grains of sand or skins, but are pasted flat on the hairs. Fladlus is a little less - around. 1.5 mm.Complications Lice are annoying, but is usually quite harmless to humans. There may in some cases be seen deterioration in the form of rash or infection of bidemærkerne, particularly as a result of kradsning. An infection could also give swollen, possibly. sore, lymph nodes and a general malaise in bad cases.Infections Lice live only on people and reluctant to leave his warm breeding ground near the skin. They can not survive long out in the surroundings. Hovedlus spill, therefore, largely through the direct hovedkontakt - for example, during the game. So spread hovedlus mostly among children in kindergarten and first classes. Also hats, scarves, brushes and the like can pass the infection if they are used by several within a short time. Autumn is peak season for hovedlus, and here are often outbreaks in kindergartens and similar & n Fladlus infecting almost exclusively by sexual contact.Finding and precautions The suspect jumper examined the hair thoroughly - preferably with a tættekam. Kæmning is the only sure way to determine whether there are bugs present. All of the hair kæmmes from root to tip (use any. Balm first) and comb tap, on a white surface so that any bugs seen more clearly. Is live bugs or eggs, one should start treatment (see below).
Is the infected children, one should inform legekammerater and a possible pasningsinstitution found on the jumper. The child should first return to the institution, when treatment is started. It is important that the whole of the child's family and friends and family will be checked for bugs and the infected deal when the child can become infected again and again. All should be examined several times in the next few weeks.
Is there found louse, combs, brushes, hats and the like should be placed in soapy water or in the freezer in a day. The rest of the surroundings, including bedding, etc., does not require treatment.Treatment with lusemidler Head and fladlus can be treated with lusemidler, delivered face-to-face at apotektet. It can also be treated to hovedlus through thorough kæmining through a couple of weeks (see below).
Kropslus treated by heat treatment his clothes a few hours at 60 degrees some days, and by better hygiene.
New procedure There is a new tool on the market, called Hedrin. The drug encapsulates lusene, so they die. The drug is based on silikoneforbindelser. With the product could lusene not become resistant.
The drug contains no insecticide and colours. The drug can be used by pregnant women, nursing, asthmatics and children over 6 months. If you are in doubt, contact your doctor.Luseshampoo and liniment The traditional lusemidler available in the form of shampoo or liniment. Shampoo used in damp hair and liniment in dry hair:- Prioderm (belonging to the group organofosfater) - available both as shampoo and liniment.
- Nix (belonging to the group pyrethroids) - Available as shampoo.
Note: It is very important to follow the instructionscarefullyby the use of these preparations! Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 2 years should not be treated with lusemidler without doctor's prescription and should possibly consider kæmning as procedure (see below). It is not recommended to use the balm of the handling, as this can reduce the impact of lusemidlerne. Repeat the treatment always after 8 days to ensure that all bugs are eradicated. There kæmmes daily between treatments. Ses live louse days after treatment, indicates that the failed treatment (or a new attack if lusene is great). In special cases, particularly fladlus are in close kropsbehåring and in the eye and skæghår. Lice in øjenhårene should be treated with a special øjensalve. Unsuccessful treatment Is the treatment failed, it is because that users were not good enough for her hair. was too wet, or that there was applied balm or too little lusemiddel. Lice are also known to develop resistance (resistance) to lusemidler. Therefore we should not repeat a failed treatment with the same lusemiddel. An alternative to lusemidlerne is referred thorough kæmning of her hair.Kæmning as procedure Treatment in the form of kæmning is effective but time-consuming. Should lusene eradicated, it is required that the hair kæmmes thoroughly (at least 30-45 per minute. Time) with a tættekam every other day for two weeks. By doing so, they should be lusene then be eradicated. Kæmningen facilitated if used balm, and this also makes lusene slower and easier to catch with the comb. At the same time, it is important to use a tættekam with the right distance between the teeth - so you can catch lusene.
Articles on the subject: - Hovedlus
- Hovedlus - Kæmning as procedure
- Improper treatment increases the spread of louse