Definition and causes Stafylokokker is bacteria. There are many different stafylokok-bacterial, but when you speak on stafylokokinfektion, does it often infection with the yellow stafylokok staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium is naturally occurring in næsehule and-throat in about. 30, without giving symptoms. Bakterien can affect all tissues, and indgangsporten is often wounds or munity legislation in the skin. With the blood bacterium can be taken to other bodies such as heart and liver.By inhalation may give the pneumonia, and by synkning inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Bakterien producing so-called toxins (poisons) that can provide many genes, for example. food poisoning. Bakterien forming pus and the ability to embed itself, and can form abscesses, both on the skin and inside the body (abscesses). Chronic illness such as cancer, liver or kidney disease provides an increased risk of infection. Symptoms of stafylokokinfektion The symptoms depend on where in the body you are infected.- The skin:Staf. aureus is the cause of various diseases, including Furunkler and karbunkler , paronychion (neglerodsbetændelser), inflammation of wounds inc. operationssår. Bakterien may cause impetigo (impetigo) and erysipelas (rose), however, often due to streptococci. Hårsæksbetændelse occurs when a hårsæk plugged, and it is seen, for example. "skægpest". A serious illness in children is Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS), where bacteria produce a toxin that gives bladders, and get the skin to the roach.
- The blood:
Stafylokokker in the blood is a serious condition, and the bacteria can spread to most organs including the heart, where a serious condition is inflammation of the interior of the heart and hjerteklapperne ( endocarditis ), Which may be difficult to detect, and may end with an operation in which the diseased heart valve must be replaced.
- Your eye:
Bakterien can give bindehindebetændelse and inflammation of soft tissue øjenhulens .
- The bones and joints:
Osteomyelitis : Bakterien can spread directly from the surrounding tissue or through the blood to the bones, which may give pain, bevægelsesindskrænkninger and fever.
Infectious arthritis: Inflammation in part may be due to bacterial indvækst from the surroundings, or bacteria injected with blood. Usually seen, however staf. aureus infection after the doctor in the second rise has stuck in the run with a needle, and the accidental introduction of a small amount of bacteria in it.
- Stomach-gut: A frequent food poisoning is the intake of stafylokok toxin (poison). This is produced by the bacterium in large quantities in, for example, warm dishes. Toksinet is relatively varmestabilt, and food poisoning often seen after taking genvarmet food, which has not been heated enough. It gives nausea and vomiting, possibly. diarrhoea, but is over within 6-24 hours.
Stafylokokinfektion in the gut is rare, but seen after the use of antibiotics, when the normal gut flora is killed, and the resistant staf. aureus flourishes. This can give painful bloody diaréer.
- Chest and lungs: breastfeeding women have often staphylococci in munity legislation around the nipples. It can develop into painful abscesses.
Bakterien can give pneumonia , Often following a influenza virus.
- Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a condition in which bacteria in the body produce a toxin that gives fever, diarrhoea and skin rash, similar to sunburn. The skin soften and falling. Candidate syndrome can not take over the liver and kidney and severe blood pressure with serious consequences.
Syndromet is also known as tamponsyge, when young women got the disease after tamponbrug. Information on particular more frequent tamponskift have made that the disease is not nearly as frequent today as 20 years ago.
Precautions and diagnosis Avoid contact with infected wounds. If you have wounds must be kept clean, and we need to change dressing regularly.Diagnosis made by scraping from wounds, which are grown. A blood test can show whether there is staphylococci in the blood. Consideration of stafylokokinfektion Stafylokokker in Denmark, almost all sensitive to antibiotics. However, the last year has been more and more strains that are resistant to one or more antibiotics. About 90 are resistant to normal penicillin, but most are still sensitive to penicillins with broad effect as dicloxacillin. Abroad, where the use of antibiotics is much greater, seen major problems with the so-called multi-staf. aureus strains that are only difficult or can not be defeated meThe most skin infections are sufficient thorough washing and frequent change of linens and towels. By easier infections can be an antibiotic taken at prilled, but if the bacteria is in the blood and / or inside the body, it is necessary with antibiotics and may drop. surgical removal of the infection. Select and complications Depends on the nature of the infection. Can be anything from harmless (furunkler, food poisoning) to life-threatening (sepsis, TSS, endocarditis).