Definition and causes Infectious mononucleosis, a Danish called kyssesyge, is a contagious disease caused by Epstein-Barr virus. Virusset spill through the transfer of saliva, for example. by kisses, hence the name kyssesyge. From infection to the first signs of disease is between 30 and 50 days. Virusset infect the white blood cells in lymfen (lymphocytes) and lead to swelling of lymfeorganerne - ie. lymph nodes and spleen.The disease debuterer typically 15-25 years of age, but many get the disease as children, without giving symptoms. There is an increased risk of infection during periods of reduced immune systems, for example. by other illness or stress. Have we once had mononukleose, you have lifelong immunity and can not be infected again. Symptoms of mononukleose (kyssesyge) Infectious mononucleosis recalls in the beginning of a normal influenza. The symptoms shown by:- Fever
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Myalgia
- General malaise
After 1-2 weeks, there are clear swelling of the lymph nodes in the throat and neck, often in armhuler and lysker. Svælget will højrødt, and very painful. They closed the almonds be viewed with great white coverings. There may be abdominal pain due to enlargement of the spleen, most pronounced in the upper left part of the stomach. Leversmerter (upper right side of the stomach) may also occur. About 5% sheep red skin rash. If the disease fejltolkes as a bacterial sore throat and treated with an antibiotic called ampicillin, will almost all be seeing a red skin rash. The treatment must be stopped. Another viral infection called cytomegalovirus (CMV), may remind a lot about mononukleose, but the process by CMV is lenient, and in particular halsgenerne is less pronounced. Precautions and diagnosis Precautions are hard to take, since it can be smittebærer without symptoms in the preceding month and a half. Avoid contact with saliva from infected. Avoid nys, cough, kiss and drinking from the same glass as infected. The flu-like symptoms over a week, and in particular by swollen lymph nodes, it is important to consult a doctor. The doctor makes the diagnosis of the typical symptoms of a blood sample, as well as grafting from the tonsils and pharynx.Consideration of mononukleose (kyssesyge) There is no specific treatment for Epstein-Barr virus. The treatment of mononukleose consists of:- Rest with sengeleje as long as there is fever and træthedsfølelse, and even after the normalization of temperature, it is important with plenty of rest.
- Rigeligt intake of liquid (water, juice, juice).
- Relief of halsgener with hot beverages.
- Slow boot on sports, school and work by signs of improvement. Avoid physical and mental stress.
- Heavy physical effort discouraged the first 4 weeks after sygdomsophør, because of the risk of miltruptur (spring of miltkapslen).
- Pain can lindres by hovedpinetabletter as paracetamol and aspirin. Acetylsalicylic acid should not be given to children and teenagers, as there is a risk for the development of Reyes syndrome .
Select and complications The characteristic of disease is found after 1-2 weeks of flu-like symptoms and goods like two to four weeks. Then comes 1-2 weeks with mathedsfornemmelse but without fever. Around 3%, however, have a long illness, which can be very tærende to the individual. Generally, managed the disease without further complications, and it is then life protected from re.Rare serious complications: - Severe thrombocytopenia (lack of platelets) which can lead to bleeding
- Miltruptur (broken spleen) requiring emergency surgery
- Hæmolytisk anaemia (anaemia)
- Inflammation of the brain and / or hjernehinder (Encephalitis / meningitis)