Last updated:10-15-2008
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Definition and causes

Increased activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne caused by overproduction of the hormone from glands. This hormone is calledparatyreoidea hormone, Abbreviated PTH.

PTH regulates together with vitamin D blood levels of calcium. It affects the bones to release calcium into the blood and kidneys to retain calcium in the urine. Overproduction of PTH resulting in the following high levels of calcium in the blood, which has a range of harmful effects on the body.

Calcium has many important functions in the body. It is necessary for building bones and teeth, it is part of the process that causes blood to clot, and is essential to muscles and nerves to function properly. The proper performance of calcium levels in the blood interfere with these mechanisms in an inappropriate way.

Increased activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne is often caused by a PTH-producing benign lump in one of the four biskjoldbruskkirtler. Extremely rarely, there is therefore a tumor. Biskjoldbruskkirtlerne can also be magnified and produce PTH to compensate by chronic conditions that cause low calcium levels in the blood, for example. with chronic renal failure.

Increased activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne is a rare condition that is most frequently seen in people over 50 years. About two thirds of sufferers are women.

Signs of increased activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne

The symptoms appear only when calcium levels in the blood is greatly increased, and may include:

  • Symptoms of nerves and muscles. Fatigue, depression, memory difficulties, and more. There is often muscular weakness and rapid udtrætning of the legs and arms muscles.

  • Increased thirst and water. In severe cases can cause severe dehydration with awareness concealment and loss of coordination skills.

  • There is a strong tendency to increase kidney stones. This is due to the increased flow of calcium through the kidneys, causing the formation of calcium deposits and stones.

  • Afkalkning of the bones resulting in increased bone fracture (bone break), for example. in connection with the case, stroke and shock.

  • Symptoms of heart and blood vessels. There is frequent high blood pressure and the risk of heart seizures and heart attack is significantly increased.

Precautions and diagnosis

If the doctor suspects the increased activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne, can the diagnosis is made using blood samples, measuring blood levels of calcium and PTH. Urine content of calcium are often high. If the disease is related to kidney disease, can be evaluated with a blood test to measure kidney function.

Consideration of increased activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne

It is not always necessary treatment if blood levels of calcium are only slightly elevated. Here it is often necessary to make periodic checks to determine whether the condition worsens.

If it is judged that the need for treatment, an operation in which all four biskjoldbruskkirtler located, and the hormone-producing node is removed. This operation is offered as a rule always to younger individuals, as the risk of developing complications from the disease are higher over the longer term.

Select and complications

Complications of the operation is the development of the low activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne or damage to nerves in the area, but they are seen relatively rarely. After an operation seen cure for the vast majority, and the prognosis is good.

The worst complication of increased activity in biskjoldbruskkirtlerne is, as mentioned above, the arrival of cardiovascular disease. There is an excess mortality, for example. as a result of heart attack. The operation can probably slow down further development of the tendency to cardiovascular disease, but can not prevent the damage has already been made.



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