Last updated:10-15-2008
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Definition and causes

Hyperaldosteronisme is a relatively rare disease, caused by overproduction of the hormonealdosterone. Aldosterone formed along with the stress hormone cortisol in the adrenal glands outer layer, called binyrebarken and helps regulate the body's salt and fluid balance.


Of Hyperaldosteronisme caused 60% of cases, an over-producing, benign lump in binyrebarken and called in this caseConns Syndrome. The last 40% due to enlarged binyrebark (hyperplasia), which may have multiple causes, including liver, kidney or heart disease, but the cause is not always.


Symptoms of Hyperaldosteronisme

The disease has only scant signs. The most important thing isHigh blood pressure, Which can be very pronounced. There may also be fatigue, muscle weakness and increased urinary excretion.



The disease is suspected, if the doctor discovers high blood pressure and low potassium levels in the blood. This may be seen by many diseases, and a number of studies of blood and urine to determine the diagnosis hyperaldosteronisme. Adrenal glands tested for size changes and a tumor with CT and magnetic (MRI) scan, if blood samples suspicion of the disease.

Treatment and course of Hyperaldosteronisme

Is the cause of a hormone-producing knot in the adrenals (aadenoma), Removed the know a telescope operation. The measures have good effect, and most will usually normal blood pressure and potassium values in the blood.

Is the disease magnified binyrebark, or is it for some reason it impossible to operate, treated with diuretic drugs that counteract aldosterone effect. Moreover, the focus will be to deal with the triggering cause, if known.






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Adrenal glands
Cushing's syndrome (including Cushing's disease)
Hyperaldosteronisme (including Conns syndrome)



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