The most common type of tumor of the eyelids barley-corn, grain hail, papillomer, marks and xatelasmata.

Hail Cereals

A hail grains (chalazion) is a little hard knot of connective tissue on the inside of the eyelid or eyelids rand. A hail of cereals may occur as a result of a barley-corn, or it can occur seemingly without reason after a not detected inflammation. It is an accumulation of fat and connective tissue in one of the eyelid glands.

A hail grain is not painful, but it can irritate the eye and give visual nuisance. A hail grains can also develop inflammation and so resembles a barley-corn. It should also be treated as such. Some hail grain disappears after a few months, and we can try to help it on its way by massaging hail grain towards the edge of the eyelid. If halgkornet not disappear by itself, it can be removed by a very small operation in a local anesthetic.


Papillomer a small, hudfarvede, pink or brown gevækster the eyelid or eyelids brink. They can be round, cauliflower-shaped or a stalk. They are caused by a virus (human papillom virus, HPV). HPV is actually a large group of related viruses and other types gives warts and genital warts. Papillomer on the eyelid does not increase the risk for these conditions. Papillomer are quite harmless, but if you are bothered by their appearance, they can be removed through a small operation in local


Xantelasmata are yellow or whitish buds or coverings just around the eyes. They are usually at the inside of the eye up towards the nose back. They consist of deposits of fat and cholesterol is a sign that you have high blood cholesterol. They are in themselves quite harmless, but they should get their cholesterol measured with their doctor if they discover xantelasmata. They can be difficult to treat because they tend to come back, but reading is a small operation in a local anesthetic

Other tumor of the eyelids

Older people may have skin cancer in the area around the eyes, and small children can have benign tumors of blood vessels around the eyelid, called hæmangiomer. Some disappear by themselves, while others grow throughout life. Read more in addition to the articles concerning the marks and barley-corn.





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