Definition and causes

Glaucoma is a disease in which a high pressure in the eye gives discomfort and vision impairment. By narrow-angle glaucoma is pressure to rise rapidly because of the eye fluid drained through a channel is blocked. The blocking is done, because the angle where the channel is, becomes too narrow and close (hence the name). For detailed description of the background and causes of glaucoma, see glaucoma.

Unlike open-angle glaucoma is narrow-angle glaucoma is not so common. Risk factors for the narrow-angle glaucoma is first and foremosthypermetropiaandold ageAndfamilies with the disease. Hypermetropia and advanced age makes the angle of the eye close. When the pupil expands, it will make the angle even slimmer since regnbuehinden drawn together and become thicker. Therefore, the symptoms of narrow-angle glaucoma only arise in situations where the pupil is enlarged. In the evening and night or in low light extends pupil, and this will therefore first notice symptoms

Narrow-angle glaucoma usually occur only in one eye, but when both eyes have the same risk factors, it will frequently be seen in the other eye later in life.

Symptoms of narrow-angle glaucoma

Narrow-angle glaucoma can be without symptoms (dormant glaucoma). Here's the angle too narrow, and there will slowly emerging areas in the visual field where you can not see, but there are perhaps not even.

When the pressure rises more, you will experience the typical symptoms:

  • Early symptoms come in the evening, later at all times.

  • Pain in the eye. Your eye may also feel very hard.

  • Regnbuesyn. When you look at the example. a street lamp, the lamp will be a rainbow-colored ring.

These symptoms may come and go through months. They will, however, often at a time deteriorate, and if the angle is quite close to, you getacute angle closure. Here, there is great danger of becoming blind, if not the green starling treated quickly:

  • The sight soon becomes very ill (during hours).

  • Many pain in the eye and headache.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Your eye is rock hard and red.

  • Regnbuesyn (see above).

  • Pupil is great.

Precautions for the narrow-angle glaucoma

If you are experiencing symptoms of narrow-angle glaucoma, you should seek medical advice quickly. If there are symptoms of acute angle closure, is it as soon as possible for the doctor - the roof of the hospital where the only option.

Treatment of narrow-angle glaucoma

Treatment begin immediately, because prompt treatment can save your sight.

  • Eye drops that reduce the production of fluid in the eye.

  • Pupil-together tractor substances makes the angle larger, so the liquid can run off again.

Later, you can then make a small hole in regnbuehinden with a laser. This eliminates regnbuehindens press angle, and fluid can now run more freely.

If not reading help, we can at a small operation to facilitate drained of fluid. It creates a passage between the eye internal and the space between conjunctivae and senehinden. From here the liquid is admitted into blood vessels and carried away.

Often, we must continue with eye drops for many years after, to prevent a new attack. You might also consider treating the second eye, possibly with laser, to prevent attacks here.






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