Eyelids Eyelids keep the cornea clear and moist and protects while the eye against damage and light. By flashing help eyelids to the benefits tear film over eye. They will also ensure that the tears exit through tear appliance using tear item, found in the lower lid of the eye hook furthest into the nose. In the upper eyelid found in the part that is furthest from the nose, tårekirtlen where the tears are produced.There are two eyelids, one upper and one lower. Upper eyelid bounded opadtil of eyebrows, while the bottom has no clear-cut distinction, but simply continue with the skin on the cheek. On the edge of both eyelids, a number of lashes, which helps keep foreign objects as dust and insects out of the eye. The surface of both eyelids are covered with a nice thin layer of skin that is very loose bound to the underlying connective tissue. In Volume woven lies muscles to open and close the eye, and are including a special layer of connective tissue close, which ensures the eyelid keeps its shape. Inside of the eyelids are covered with mucous membrane, which are some special glands (glands Meibom), which produces a lipid secretions, which is at the top of the tear film. This fatty membrane to ensure that the tears The front of the eye The white of the eye called conjunctivae and consists of a thick layer of heavy opaque connective tissue. Conjunctivae serves as the cement of the muscles that move the eye and act as a protective must for the interior of the eye.In the part of the eye where light can get through, thus contributing to the survey, there are several layers. Extremely found cornea, which is a completely transparent layer of cells. Cornea is responsible for approx. 70% of the refractive power that exists in the eye, and is thus very important for the survey. Cornea covers only the portion of the eye that corresponds to the pupil and regnbuehinden. During the cornea is a front chamber with a clear liquid. Below is regnbuehinden (iris), which is the colored part of øj Immediately below regnbuehinden found the rear chamber with the same kind of liquid as in anterior chamber. Just including the lens, which is a biconvex (arches outwards on both sides) structure that can focus light, so it hits exactly on the retina. The lens is hanging over some wires in a specific muscle machine that makes the lens can change depending on the thickness of the tension in the muscle disorders. It is changing the lens thickness, that the focus of light can be changed so that both can see sharp close and The fluid in the front and rear chamber delivers food to structures in the anterior part of the eye, because there is no blood supply (blood vessels would interfere with vision). Meanwhile, the liquid also to maintain eye ball shape. Normally, there is a fine balance between how much fluid is produced, and how much is being directed away. If this balance is disturbed can pressure be too high, which can lead to very serious, sight threatening condition called glaucoma. The balance may f