Definition and causes

Årehinden is a thin membrane that lies between the retina (the inside of the eye) and senehinden (on the outer surface of the eye). It is, as its name suggests, very rich veins. Moreover, it filled with pigment. Inflammation in årehinden will often seize on the retina, and it is usually only when this happens, the symptoms occur.

Inflammation in årehinden can be acute (sudden onset) or chronic (long term). Both types often seen in other diseases as ledegigt, SLE, sarkoidose, tuberculosis, or lymfekræft. The chronic form may also be caused by infection with HIV or toxoplasmosis.

Symptoms of årehindebetændelse

In the acute form seen:

  • Decreased or blurred vision.

  • Your eye may be red.

  • "Flies", which are small, dark spots or highlights come with when moving eyes.

The chronic form seen:

  • Impaired vision, which worsens over time.

  • No pain, "flies" or other symptoms.


If you have symptoms of årehindebetændelse, should be seen by an ophthalmologist, this is especially true for children. There can be specific changes in the retina, when this is considered through a special eye lamp (a oftalmoskop). In addition, in an investigation to see årehindens blood vessels (fluorescensangiografi) and thus reveal certain diseases. Blood tests can give an indication of both infections with HIV, toxoplasmosis and the aforementioned underlying diseases. If you suspect that årehindebet

Treatment of årehindebetændelse

If årehindebetændelsen caused by another illness, a so-called autoimmune disease (where the immune system attacks the body's own cells), for example. sarkoidose, ledegigt or similar, will be reading inflammation retardants (adrenal cortical hormones). When HIV infection caused by inflammation usually with a virus (eg. Herpes), and treatment is antiviral drugs. By toxoplasmosis given antibiotics.






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