Definition and causes

Approximately 1% of the population in Denmark has chronic middle. It is said that an inflammation of the middle ear is chronic, if there has been øreflåd (liquid out of the ear) in more than 4 weeks or recurrent øreflåd in more than 8 weeks. At the same time, there is damage to the middle ear, for example. blown drum skin.

Chronic middle can occur if:

  • An acute middle is not treated in time or treated with an antibiotic that the bacteria are resistant.
  • There have been many media.

  • We have had fluid in the middle ear for some time.

  • Man suffers from chronic colds.

There are 2 types of chronic middle. In both types, there are holes in the ear drum. One type is the involvement of mucous membranes in the ear and is relatively peaceful, but is rather annoying because of constant øreflåd. The second type can be more serious because it may lead to the formation of a kolesteatom, which is a tumor-like formation, which can break down bone. It can cause
degradation of cranial bone, or the small øreknogler (hammer, anvil and climb arch). In the worst case can kolesteatomet eat into the nerves or the brain itself.

Symptoms of chronic middle

  • Øreflåd can occur in highly variable levels and can possibly. smells rotten.

  • Breaking through the ear drum, or possibly. Just a respiratory (by kolesteatom).

  • Hearing impairment.

  • Pain. This is a danger signal, suggesting acute flare-ups.

  • Øregangspolypper. Small udposninger the ear canal or ear drum can be viewed by kolesteatom.

Precautions and diagnosis

Keep your ear clean and dry. Seek medical attention immediately by pain. The doctor makes a diagnosis by looking into the ear with aotoskop, Possibly. he must use a microscope to see the usually very small change. If there is øreflåd, inoculated from this to find out whether it is bacteria that cause. By kolesteatom it may be necessary to do a scan of the head to determine the spread.

Treatment of chronic middle

  • Purification of the ear.

  • Consideration of any. underlying infection in the nose or throat.

  • Antibiotics given if there is evidence of bacteria by grafting. Hosp. combined with adrenal cortical hormones that inhibit inflammation response.

  • Closing the hole in the drum skin (see Trommehinderuptur).

  • Surgical removal of kolesteatom and possible. reconstruction of øreknogler.

Select and complications

A chronic may middle whole by itself, but often there will be periods of deterioration. After healing there will be changes in chronic middle ear, a kind of scar. Drum is thin and where. forkalket, and øreknoglerne can be grown together because of the prolonged inflammation. This means that you are hearing impaired.

A kolesteatom can give severe complications due to the ability to break down bone (see Kolesteatom).


This article was updated on the Health Guide on 08.08.07




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