Platfod Platfod will say that the inside of the foot does not have the normal vault. When you stand on the foot, the whole fodsålen be in contact with the ground, and you stand more on the inside of the foot than normal. Many young children have platfod in the first year of life, especially if there are others in the family, who are or have been platfod. Platfod is often hereditary.A platfod may be movable or rigid. By the moving platfod is not a vault under the inside of the foot when the child is normal, but hvælvingen seen when the child is on the toes. This is a normal condition, which usually disappear on its own without treatment. By a rigid platfod can foot normal vault not produced, and the movement of the foot is often reduced. Often, achillessenen very tight. This condition can be very annoying and give pain at the time and after a long Tuesday

Hjulben and kalveknæ If you are a bow-legged, the distance between the knees more a normal. The legs are crooked and bows outwards, when you stand on the stretched leg. Most children are born easily hjulbenede, but this addressed by most during the first year. There are many people who are hjulbenede without having some specific genes of it. However, there is perhaps a slightly increased risk of getting damage to the meniscus and korsbånd.
By kalveknæ legs are also leaning, but here bows the inside, so that the knees are closer together than usual. Many children tend to kalveknæ in the first year of life, and then again fortager, as the child gets bigger. If a child is very bow-legged or knock-kneed, we should think about whether it may have vitamin D deficiency. Previously, vitamin D deficiency more widespread and resulted in soft bone (osteomalacia, rickets) . This is very rare in Denmark today. A growing problem today is that more and more, even very young children are often overweight, which may give rise to the deterioration of special kalveknæ. |