There have been long tradition of thinking and acting upon that afføringsinkontinens or encoprese, as it is called, that is not to be sanitary with stools, due prroblemer in the family or mental reasons, with the children.
This view is still in a lot of people, even among practitioners, general practitioners, sundhedsplejesker, paediatricians, - indeed in all professions. New knowledge, however, shows that the vast majority of children with afføringsinkontinens suffering from constipation. Studies have shown that children who do himself does not differ psychologically from other children, but that they have the mentally ill, because they do himself. Renlighedsmønstre driven by social and cultural conditions, and there are big variations from country to country When parents expect, børninstitutioner, yes our society that a child is renligt? Years ago, there was prestige in that your child was sanitary as early as possible. Mothers and especially grandmothers ran gauntlet, so the child could be placed on the pot a vast number of times during the day. This was not equal to that the child was renligt, but that it is "collected" the stools in the pot and not in bleen. Today begins the majority of children in Denmark in kindergarten, when they are around. 3 years. Here, it is expected that they no longer use the diaper. Only after a child is aged 4 years, we speak in iderkredsen on afføringsinkontinens as a problem. Failure renligheds importance for the child and parents When a child after 4 years of age continue to make himself eler go with the diaper, it will be experienced highly debilitating for their social life, while it would be a deterioration of their quality of life. That to be different from one's kindergarten friends or schoolmates can give a poor self-esteem among the children. Parents floveog can feel powerlessness and guilt. Often fills the lot in a family that a child is not renligt. What problems can a child be find it difficult to play and flourish
drilles because of diaper or the strong smell
sleeping not with the comrades
does not go to sport
feel guilt
keep for himself / is contained
the pain and discomfort
fear and frustration
is insecure
spend a lot of effort to keep the stools and to scrape together
sit turbulent
is tired
have scarce appetite
find it difficult to concentrate
har difficulty learning
get blamed for being lazy and indifferent
get skældud and punished
is resource
2-4% of children ellem 4-6 years, still make himself after 4 years of age. 1-2% of all schoolchildren, which corresponds to 15.00-20.000 children in Denmark. There are more boys than girls with this problem, but the reason for this is not known. To be a renligt child means to be able to: |