Definition and causes Nefritis is an inflammatory condition in the kidneys, leading to the kidneys for a period not functioning as they should. It will include say that the kidneys can not retain protein (æggehvidestoffer), which therefore excreted in the urine. Often there will also be blood in the urine. When the protein disappears from the bloodstream, can the water in the blood are not kept so well in the bloodstream. It is therefore of the accumulation of fluid in the body (oedema), particularly in the legs and around the eyes. Moreover, the blood pressure is often increased by Increased blood pressure ).Nefritis occurs most often after a bacterial infection with streptococci such as. sore throat or impetigo , But can also be seen after infection with the virus or bacteria. Nefritis may also be one of the symptoms of allergic purpura (Schönleins-Henoch purpura). The reason, to renal function is affected, is that deposited antibodies in renal tissue. The antibodies are part of the immune system and activated when there is infection somewhere in the body. Symptoms of nephritis- Education sygdomsfølelse.
- Blood in the urine.
- Accumulation of fluid in the body (oedema). The most visible swelling around the eye or swollen legs.
- Increased blood pressure .
- Reduced urinproduktion.
- Possibly. foaming urine.
Precautions and diagnosis If you are experiencing the above symptoms, you should go to his own doctor. The doctor will examine a urine for blood and protein. Urinprøven must also be sent to microscopic examination to find out whether there are particular traces of red blood cells in the urine. If there is protein, which assembled urine over a full day, so it can be measured how much protein, which lost through the kidneys. The doctor will also measure blood pressure and graft from the neck or any wounds to see if there is infection with streptococci . There may also be blood tests to check for antibodies. In the most serious cases can take a vævsprøve (biopsy) from the kidney.Consideration of nephritis Væskeophobningen treated with vanddrivende medicine, and if blood pressure is very high, it can be lowered with medication. Particularly if urinproduktionen established, one should avoid drinking too much, as this will lead to more fluid retention. If there is evidence streptokokinfektion , Makes penicillin for ten days. In some serious cases, dialysis be necessary to make the accumulated liquid and waste out of the body.Select and complications In most cases the symptoms disappear after 1-2 weeks. In the worst cases developed acute renal failure , Which is characterised by that urinproduktionen reduced or completely cease, so that water and waste accumulate in the body.