Definition and causes Autism is a profound udviklingsforstyrrelse, which is characterized by the fact that the child can not create normal contact with other people, nor to his parents. In addition, autism consists of language and ritual behaviour.
Asperger syndrome is also a udviklingsforstyrrelse, where the child is kontaktforstyrret to a degree that recalls the most talented autistic children. A child with Asperger's syndrome is characterized by its special interests. The language and intellektet is normal.Autism in children is hereditary, but exactly what that cause disturbance, is not known. We know that there are some structural changes in the brain of autistic children compared to the healthy. Knowledge about the causes of Asperger's syndrome is limited. It is believed that it could be a form of high functioning autism. There are some brain diseases, which increases the risk for the development of Asperger's syndrome. This example of different chromosome system disorders and impaired functioning of thyroid . There are also considered a hereditary cause for the disease.
Symptoms of autism (including Asperger syndrome) Autism in children The symptoms of autism in children, usually expressed in the first year of life. The child is remarkably uninterested in contact with the parents. The child does not show interest to start a dialogue. Parents often tell that they find it difficult to get eye contact and comfort the child.Sprogbruget is not normal, with words and phrases have their own private view. The child repeats the same word or phrase many times. About half of the children develop any language. The child develops no ability to interact with others and may not feel connected with familiar faces as parents. This ability is developed, however, later. The child has no situational and acts as if it live in a glass. The child appears to be vanebunden in its behaviour. It may prove to know that it is moving in a certain pattern or make the same kropsbevægelse within an action. It may also be occupied by talremser, for example. fødselsdatoer of different people, but will find it difficult to put faces and names. Many autistic children are mentally retarded (about ¾ of all autistic children) and many developing epilepsy.
Asperger's syndrome Children with Asperger's syndrome have kontaktforstyrrelser, reminiscent of autism. Children usually show signs of udviklingsforstyrrelse around pre. The lack of social ability is very clear when the child comes to school. The child does not want to play with other than itself. They have the best to run it all on their own terms, and often react violently if they are not allowed for this. A key feature of Asperger's syndrome is the child's special interests. They fill an enormous amount of daily life, and now is all about this. Interests can range from an excessive interest in astronomy to afgangstiderne arrival and for all aircraft in the Copenhagen airport. Systematikken is most important for the child. It is figures and to be able to put them in the system that is first. Children are very vanebundne, and they react violently if their rites and habits are broken. The children find it difficult to understand and interpret body language, irony and dobbeltbetydning of words. They are often motor kluntede.
Complications with autism (including Asperger syndrome) An autistic child who is not under sensation of an adult, always run a risk of injury, since it is not in a position to assess the danger of a situation. In puberty, autistic children have anxiety and be self-defeating.
Precautions and diagnosis of autism (including Asperger syndrome) If you can sense that your child is abnormally kontaktafvigende, difficult to come and have some of the above symptoms, it is a good idea to consult a doctor.The diagnosis made on a thorough medical history with all the observations that has been made of the child and its behaviour. It is therefore important to note even the smallest things, before moving to the doctor. In some cases, it is necessary to observe the child in daginstitutionen or engage the child for observation at a hospital to get a clear picture of the disease. There is also an analysis of the child's chromosomes through a blood test and an analysis of brain electrical activity (EEG), as many have epilepsy.
Hørenedsættelse and other sansesygdomme be excluded, since they often can have children to work isolated, without contact with the outside world, like autism and Asperger's.
Consideration of autism (including Asperger syndrome) Autism in children The review aims to promote intellektet, language, social ability, and overall learning. Parents and other adults in the child's presence to be advised on the specific handling of the child. The cross-industry specialist, performed by doctors, psychologists and educators, adapted to each child, so that the child learn social and practical skills, and get the structure of everyday life.
An autistic child can sometimes give as strong pressures and tensions of everyday life for the family that it must be cared for in an institution.Asperger's syndrome The review aims to compensate for the child's special difficulties. Most children can learn proper social rules, but still the fundamental ability to understand other people.