Definition and causes If stomach gut irriteres enough, whether it be food or infection, the disease is the same: Vomiting and diarrhoea with a large water-and salttab (see Stomach-tarminfektion on general information).Poor håndhygiejne, contaminated water and food with more is usually the major sources of infection. Stomach-tarminfektion occurs more frequently in children, who receive infant formula, than in children who suckled. Children who suckled, sheep milk protective antibodies, which are good to have in the fight against infections. Symptoms of the gastro-intestinal infection in children
The symptoms are as førnævnt, diarrhoea and vomiting resulting in væskemangel and saline-disturbances. Afføringerne are frequent (sometimes 1-2 times per hour), aqueous and grønlige in color. The serious symptoms depends in large measure on the dehydrated child is:Let dehydration:
- The child is tørstigt.
- Uroligt and tearful.
- Skin elasticity is normal (can be assessed in the stomach Front).
Moderate dehydration:
- Tørstig, nervous and edgy.
- Increasing tired and weak.
- Indsunkne eyes and fontanelle .
- Reduced hudelasticitet.
- Dry mundslimhinde, reduced amount of urine.
- Fast pulse.
Severe dehydration:
- As with moderate dehydration, but with weak, rapid pulse and decreasing blood pressure.
- Cold limbs, easy blålige.
- Døsig possible. to unconsciousness.
The child may have fever, but temperaturforhøjelse is always present at a stomach-tarminfektion. Complications of stomach-intestinal infection in children Most cases of gastro-tarminfektion in children is mild and easy to cure. A large fluid loss in infants is, however, a serious condition that can have very serious consequences of damage to the brain and kidneys, or even (rarely in Denmark) with death as a result.Consideration of stomach-intestinal infection in children Stomach and intestinal infections are frequent, and light cases can be dealt with in the home. It is essential, however, that we always must immediately consult a doctor if there is a sudden deterioration and / or the child shows serious signs of fluid loss (see above).Home: If the child suckled, it is important to continue breast-feeding, breast milk as well tolerated and contains important antibodies. Modermælken usually cover vedligeholdelsesbehovet, while losses by vomiting and diarrhoea will be covered with a salt-and sukkerholdig liquid that can be mixed in any household: - 1 teaspoon coarse deleted cooking salt (about 3.5 g)
- 8-10 teaspoons sugar cane (40-50 g)
- Dissolved in 1 litre of water and added a little fruit juice taste.
You can also buy meals for solution to the pharmacy. The powder has a tailored content of salt and sugar. It is important to weigh the child with short intervals (hours) and bleerne before and after the change. The above mixture given to the child in an amount equal to the lost weight (1g = 1 ml). If it can not be done, we can give as a rule of thumb around. 10 ml of mixture for each thin stools. If the child is infant formula, it is advisable to be wary of this, since tarmens mucous membrane not quite ready to have a normal diet the first few days after diarréens debut. Modermælkserstatningen can be given in a 50% dilution, the first day. At the doctor: If you are unsure or concerned by the child's condition, should be sought sundhedsplejersken or doctor. In mild cases, there is no treatment, but is limited to diet and ample væsketilførsel. In severe cases require hospitalisation, where the child's condition kept under supervision to avoid complications. You can add the child fluids and nourishment through a drop in the bloodstream. In the vast majority of cases, the child without injury.