Diet and well-being are important factors in the healthy child development. Discrepancy in these factors may be signs of serious underlying diseases of the child. For instance, it could be a serious faresignal if the child only eat a little or not gain weight normally. The child must then be seen by a doctor (see also Amningsproblemer ).
Skrigeri during and after the meal When young children are crying, can cause almost always found in the basic categories: Hunger, thirst, pain and the urge to care.When a child is crying, while eating or just after it has eaten, it may have something to do with pain in the abdomen. It may be air, and if so, the pain disappears after a burp. If skrigeriet continues between meals, it may be hunger and / or thirst. Mothers who breast-feeding should breast-feed more frequently in hot weather. If the child is infant formula, we can allow the water to drink, either with the bottle or with a spoon. The child sleeps The child can sometimes fall asleep while breast-feeding. In that case, you can try to awaken the child in a calm manner. This phase tends to turn itself from a child who has healed. Do not, or if a child eats poorly a few days, one should consult a doctor.Modermælkserstatning There are instructions on the package on how the infant formula be changed. It is important to follow these. The amount of sustenance in a mixture will of course depend on whether the mixture is too thin or thick. If it is too thick, the child can quickly become tørstigt, as a result of that it will have too much salt. The hole in sutten can be stopped or be too small, which, for good reasons do the child a little more gnavent.
The child gylper after the meal Most people who have had with infants to do, at some point tried to get gylp on it. It is also not uncommon for most infants gylper little milk up, after they received food. The most lively can disgorge very high. It is fortunately a thing of the up when moving to firmer food, and after the 9-månders-aged seen it rarely.
If the problem persists, or occurring right vomiting, may be the cause of a disease such as. congenital narrowing of the lower mavemund. It should in this case go to the doctor.Fast food Children usually begin to eat solid foods when they are between 4 and 6 months old. You start to small portions of a digestible purée of vegetables or fruit twice a day. It is recommended to provide a kind of food at a time when we can more easily see if the child is allergic to something special. As the child gets older, you can provide small pieces of meat and eggs. Good eating habits brought early!