Definition and causes Transposition of the great blood vessels is a birth defect in which the major arteries, hovedpulsåren aorta and lungekarret artery pulmonalis, the exchange of positions. This means that the aorta departing from the right heart and artery pulmonalis from the left heart, otherwise normal. The effect is that the already oxygenated blood from the lungs again brought to the lungs and non-oxygenated blood instead brought out the body.This birth defect is in 25% of cases accompanied by a gap between the two hjertekamre (ventrikelseptumdefekt, VSD) and 5% of cases, both the VSD and the narrowing of the passage from the right heart to lungekredsløbet ( pulmonalstenose ). Ombytningen the tanks, there seems a general lack of oxygen. The special structure of fetus orbit compensate for this lack of oxygen, as there is a connection between the oxygen and u-oxygenated blood. So there is sufficient oxygen to the fetus can survive the birth. After birth closes this connection, however, which means that there will be increasing lack of oxygen to the body's organs. At worst, they can completely put out, causing death. Symptoms of the transposition of the great blood vessels Even from birth with evidence of lack of oxygen in the form of a characteristic bluish color of the skin and mucous membranes (plague). The child may have known trommestikfingre, urglasnegle and be væksthæmmet.Diagnosis on the transposition of the great blood vessels The diagnosis made in the light of the child's persistent plague. It takes a blood sample in an artery to assess the oxygen content in the blood. An echocardiography (a ultralydsundersøgelse, where you can see heart movement) can finally establish the diagnosis.Consideration of transposition of the great blood vessels The treatment is surgery in which the large tank exchanged, and any accompanying deformities corrected. The mortality rate of the operation is low and the prognosis is good.