Definition and causes There is a difference in the circuit with an embryo and a normal new-born child. This difference is due to the interruption of blood flow from placenta and the beginning of the child's own respiration. Ductus arteriosus, DA, is a tank in fetus orbit That carries blood from lungekarrene to hovedpulsåren aorta. Normally close the ductus arteriosus almost immediately after birth and form a bindevævsstreng. An open ductus arteriosus (persistent ductus arteriosus, PDA) is a birth defect in which the ductus arteriosus does not close after birth and partial maintain fosterkredsløbet.
This malformation of the newborn leads to the development of an abnormal blodstrømning from hovedpulsåren aorta to lungekarrene with the risk of a High lungeblodtryk and heart failure .At prematurely born children keep the ductus arteriosus is open for a long time, these are at risk of developing PDA. The reasons for the PDA and heart failure in general are described below Native heart failure . Symptoms of open ductus arteriosus (PDA) As a rule, causing the PDA only a small blodstrømning from the aorta to lungekarrene, which keeps the children symptoms. The heart can compensate for moderate large PDAs in childhood, but these have in adulthood risk of developing heart failure.In large PDAs can be developed for high lungeblodtryk, heart failure, shortness of breath in the effort to slow growth and high tendency to repeat lungebetændelser. For prematurely born usually has large PDAs, and can very quickly develop heart failure, which can provide them with breathing problems respiratory distress . Diagnosis of open ductus arteriosus (PDA) The diagnosis made by the doctor listens to the heart after a characteristic mislyd, the X-ray of the chest, ECG , And an echocardiography (a ultralydsundersøgelse where you can see the heart function and structure)Consideration of open ductus arteriosus (PDA) If the PDA gives symptoms, closed immediately by a surgical operation. For prematurely born children with PDA without symptoms treated by that pending the situation to their original terminstidspunkt and see if it closes by itself. Otherwise treated with medication and possibly an operation.