Definition and causes Ventrikelseptumdefekt, VSD, is a congenital malformation, in which the hole in the cut (septum) between right and left heart (ventricle). VSD is the most common congenital heart disease (is ca.1 / 3 of all congenital hjertemisdannelser).
Since the left heart pumps with a higher pressure than the right, the result is that there is generated a stream (shunt) from left to right. This means that the right hjertehalvdel will be loaded with a large quantity of blood, and blood flow in the lungs will be enhanced. This can lead to High lungeblodtryk and at worst heart failure .The reasons for VSD and heart failure in general are described below Native heart failure . Symptoms and went on congenital hole between the two hjertekamre (VDS) See Native heart failure . Most newborns have no symptoms, as is often the small VSD'er, which closes spontaneously within the first year. A little more VSD'er that have not yet caused high blood pressure in lungekredsløbet, is no heart for the most part can compensate for and will only ease symptoms such as breathlessness of effort. However, there is a risk of developing heart failure and high lungeblodtryk later in life.At the very large VSD'er with high lungeblodtryk is a risk for the development of lungelidelse with considerable resistance in lungeblodkarrene, which gives poor oxygenation of the blood with bluish skin colour as a result (plague). Children with VSD have a greater risk of developing infection of the heart ( bacterial endokardit ). Diagnosis of congenital hole between the two hjertekamre (VDS) The diagnosis made by the doctor listens to the heart after a characteristic mislyd, the X-ray of the chest, ECG and an echocardiography (a ultralydsundersøgelse where you can see the heart function and structure).Treatment of congenital hole between the two hjertekamre (VDS) Small VSD'er, as the symptom, not treated. However, given preventive antibiotics to prevent infection of the heart. Major VSD'er, with symptoms of high lungeblodtryk and heart failure, requiring surgery. We are waiting usually with surgery and dealing with drugs, since the child will be more resistant to surgery, the older it is. It also follows Monday size of the hole, to see if it will be less, and whether it is necessary for an operation. For high lungeblodt .