Definition and causes Fallots tetrade is the most common birth defect, which includes several heart failure at the same time. It consists of 4 hovedmisdannelser:- Wells cut in between hjertekamrene (ventrikelseptumdefekt, VSD)
- Forsnævring of pulmonalklappen (pulmonalstenose)
- Fortykkelse of musculature in the right heart
- Højreforskydning of hovedpulsåren aorta (overridende aorta)
VSD'en and højreforskydningen of the aorta means that the blood from the right hjertehalvdel (u-oxygenated blood) pumped out to both lungekredsløbet and aorta. The blood, carried out for the rest of the body is deficient oxygenated, which gives the skin and mucous membranes a characteristic bluish color (plague). The causes of Fallots tetrade and heart failure in general are described below Native heart failure .
Symptoms of Fallots tetrade The symptoms of Fallots tetrade is inextricably linked to the inadequate oxygenation of the blood. Physical activity becomes more difficult with the children, with activity and an increase in heart rate worsens iltmanglen in the body. This gives strong shortness of breath and increased blåfarvning, cyanosis. Shortness of breath is that while food is tiring, and children with Fallots tetrade eat less in weight loss as a result.Children with Fallots, who has learned to walk, have a tendency to sit on the blow when they become forpustede. By settling on chop increases the resistance of tanks around the periphery, and lungernes flow will be improved with better lung function as a result. The children can have Fallots attacks, which consists of dramatic deterioration of the plague and shortness of breath, and the pronounced lack of oxygen leads to bevidsthedssløring. These attacks cease, as a rule by itself, or when the child beroliges, but can, at worst, lead to death. There is also the risk of blood clots. After the first year of life develop the children so-called trommestikfingre with urglasnegle. Diagnosis of Fallots tetrade The diagnosis made by listening to the heart after a characteristic mislyd, Chest X-ray, ECG and an echocardiography (a ultralydsundersøgelse where you can see the heart function and structure).Consideration of Fallots tetrade The treatment is a major surgery, typically performed in the first year of life. The most common are treated medically (oxygen, hjerteregulerende medicine and painkillers). In addition, parents overcome the attacks by making a knee-chest-manoeuvre, where the child's knees pressed up against the stomach, to imitate the hugsiddende position.