Definition Megakolon (Hirschsprungs disease) is a congenital hereditary lack of or reduced number of nervetråde in tyktarmens (colon) and endetarmens walls. Nervetrådene the controls of tarmbevægelser, whose purpose is to move the gut against endetarmen. The lack of nervetråde do so that the normal tarmbevægelser will be weakened or is totally absent. The part of the large intestine, which lacks nervetråde, pulling together, while the large intestine above will be udspilet sharply.Approximately 1 in 5,000 newborns have the disease, which is most frequently at drengebørn and children Downs syndrome . Symptoms of megakolon Children with Hirschsprungs disease is strongly forstoppede. The first afføringer of the newborn is delayed. Early in the process the child may have serious symptoms as starting tarmslyng and vomiting, diarrhoea and udspilet stomach. It can also run more quietly, the child becomes bloated, forstoppet and hampered growth.The symptoms become worse after the cessation of breastfeeding, as afføringerne gets bigger and firmer in consistency at the infant. Precautions and diagnosis If a child throws up, is forstoppet and rarely have stools, should immediately seek medical attention. The diagnosis made by symptombilledet, an X-ray with contrast in the gut and a vævsprøve from the large intestine.Consideration of megakolon The disease can be cured through surgery, which removes the deformed tarmstykke and syer the healthy ends together.Forecast The forecast is good with the achievement of normal tarmfunktion with the vast majority. |