Definition and causes Diaphragma, the diaphragm, is a flat muscle that separates chest from the abdominal cavity and is the main åndedrætsmuskel. Sometimes there may be a congenital weakness in the diaphragm, which causes the contents of the abdominal cavity press into the chest. This is called a Diaphragmatic hernia (see also Diafragmabrok and Brok ). Because of the lack of space in the chest in fosterlivet can diafragmabrokket at worst, lead to the lungs are not developed normally. Inborn Diaphragmatic hernia occurs in about. 30 out of 100,000 newborns. The cause is unknown.
Symptoms and complications of Diaphragmatic hernia in children The symptoms are dependent on the severity of brokket. In light of Diaphragmatic hernia, the child is an unaffected breathing and is actually quite symptomfrit.
At worst, the child can be very influenced by the birth because of poor lung function. There is great lack of oxygen, which causes the child is a characteristic bluish color of the skin and mucous membranes (plague). Iltmanglen can be as bad, that we must put the child in the respirator.
Diagnosis by diafagmabrok in children The diagnosis is usually made by the first medical examination after birth and by an X-ray, showing the casings, which extend up in the thorax.
Consideration of diafagmabrok in children Consideration is a surgical operation, which through the chest press intestines back into the abdominal cavity and syer the weak part of the diaphragm. The operation is carried out as soon as possible, but only when lungekredsløbet is stabilized.